Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

fares's picture
fares posted a new Poem titled ألأن أتقبل منكم التهاني 21 years ago
كان يوما من أيام خريف عام 1996 م حيث أعلن عن تشييع جثمان أحد الشهداء من أبناء بلدتنا الذي روى بدمه الطاهر ثرى فلسطين دفاعا عن ألأقصى ....
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fares's picture
fares posted a new Poem titled طائر الحسون 21 years ago
طار طائر الحسون محلقا يجوب أرجاء الكون حالما متأملا يبحث عن العون لنصرة شعب مقهور مسجون فما وجد غير الجحود والعقوق والهون فاستأ...
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fares's picture
fares posted a new Poem titled أختاه لما تبكين 21 years ago
بكت شجرتنا شجرة الزيتون نادتها من الجوار شجرة التين أختاه   أختاه ما أحزنك ولم تبكين ردت عليها في أنين وقد أثقلتها هم...
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oh_so_odd's picture
oh_so_odd posted a new Poem titled Take apicture It'll last longer 21 years ago
take a picture it'll last longer dont keep me up dont wait around for me i'm right here crying in my fingers bleed through the cloth drea...
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lost_wench's picture
lost_wench posted a new Poem titled Time 21 years ago
       Time goes by so quickly        Every second, every minute, every hour...
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ultimprv's picture
ultimprv posted a new Poem titled Missing Nettajack 21 years ago
Nettajack, Nettajack, Missing you so the playa hata's show'd what they feel is power but you're pressence felt too strong, to let them s...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Why Do I Fear? 21 years ago
Heat beneath warm blanket Radiating from your limbs to mine Entwined Third time Lips against my back and neck Make love to my lifeless hand...
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belladonna's picture
belladonna posted a new Poem titled HEAR ME 21 years ago
Where did I come from Where did I go Always analizing my life Trying to make it just so Am i getting along With all my peers Why do I find M...
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thapoet's picture
thapoet posted a new Poem titled Born A Pen 21 years ago
What would you do if you never had me, You wouldn’t be where you are if you didn’t have me. I got you confidence, and closure, Love and resp...
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thapoet's picture
thapoet posted a new Poem titled Missing You 21 years ago
Long ass days, even longer nights, I sit and wait fighting this fight.. Heart racing, mind roaming, Hands shaking, tears rolling. Memories f...
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elliot_jordan2003's picture
elliot_jordan2003 posted a new Poem titled The Board Game Of Life 21 years ago
Life is like a board game your life starts and you try to finish it   but it never ends until you see the light and if you play wi...
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kiwi_jiwi's picture
kiwi_jiwi posted a new Poem titled Unwanted Love 21 years ago
that feeling, of your hand upon my face. when you touch me, in that sick embrace how it sickens me to hear you say you love me now that you...
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kiwi_jiwi's picture
kiwi_jiwi posted a new Poem titled What Lies Beneath 21 years ago
It pains me so bad To have to hide what I feel I feel so sad But my feelings are real. I walk through this world without any regret I try n...
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kiwi_jiwi's picture
kiwi_jiwi posted a new Poem titled Victim 21 years ago
I always smile, Not a little while But all day long, nothing's ever wrong. I never feel crappy, Always  make people happy. And I s...
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kiwi_jiwi's picture
kiwi_jiwi posted a new Poem titled Rachel's Poem 21 years ago
always there for me listening to my plea voice keeps playing in my head creeping like the living dead beautiful pictures of you images devel...
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