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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Hangzhou 21 years ago
In Hangzhou 183 pets have been destroyed as a result of city official orders .. in ignorant response to SARS In Akron Ohio 1500 cats have b...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled The Dance of Love 21 years ago
Introduction (To the tune of 'The Hokey Pokey') The Dance of Love You put your right leg in, put your left leg out Put your long pink h...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Cheney's Halliburton Theft Causes EU Sanctions 21 years ago
Cheney has just given Iraq to Halliburton. In response the European Union has passed largest sanctions ever against the US This will harm th...
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unrulyspring's picture
unrulyspring posted a new Poem titled And I Love You So 21 years ago
And I love you so People ask me how How I've lived 'til now I tell them I don't know I guess they understand How lonely life has bee...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Animals Harmed By Fear 21 years ago
In the wake of SARS, which may have been a foreign government's bioterror attack or generated by factory farms some Chinese local officials...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled BBC's Bioterrorist 21 years ago
The BBC cooperates with WGBH in a news show called The World, whose sponsor is Merck, whose George Merck caused AIDS in Africa.. with a 'sma...
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hhickson's picture
hhickson posted a new Poem titled Now You Know 21 years ago
She dances between the clouds on silvered wings Twisting and turning particle-to-particle she swings In her wake a thunderous applause Until...
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katerz's picture
katerz posted a new Poem titled A Friend 21 years ago
You are the Best and i luv ya ! I got your back You got mine, I'll help you out Anytime. To see you hurt To see you cry, Makes me we...
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katerz's picture
katerz posted a new Poem titled Go Girls 21 years ago
I shave my legs, I sit down to pee. And I can justify any shopping spree. Don't go to a barber, but a beauty salon. I can get...
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phil_carcione's picture
phil_carcione posted a new Poem titled Cross Dressed Wedgie 21 years ago
Their once was a man who cross dressed A wedgie he had under his dress Causing smegma inside of his shorts All juicy and causing warts Oh, w...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled Nothing Is Quite What It Seems! 21 years ago
Introduction Have you ever had one of those dreams which starts off with your perfect fantasy only to discover at that vital moment that no...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled The Lovers 21 years ago
The sun went down and above the town The sky became deep blue; A meeting made, above the glade Between these special two. Atop the hill...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled DINNER AT SWEETIE’S 21 years ago
Introduction The following is a true story (believe it or not!). It happened a short time into my husband's and my courtship. For the non-...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled A Special Love 21 years ago
How can I compare your beauty to other faces? You seduce me in the sunshine unashamedly, knowing I cannot look away. My soul cries out m...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled HOUSEHOLD 21 years ago
LISA could never get her husband to do anything around the house. James would come home from work, sit in front of the TV, eat dinner, and...
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