Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

DaddyO's picture
DaddyO posted a new Poem titled "Hastening" 21 years ago
by Jeph Johnson   How many more days must I slog before burgeoning?   I ask myself this every day while waiting each night...
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serene's picture
serene posted a new Poem titled WHY I TURNED TO WRITING 21 years ago
I’ve seen artists they draw, sculpt and paint in a whirlpool of flamboyance. 'twas in my third grade when my inability to fold paper to mak...
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serene's picture
serene posted a new Poem titled CINQUAIN-Crush 21 years ago
your name electrifies my tongue, current running down my heart in a wild race, sparks trembling.
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serene's picture
serene posted a new Poem titled CINQUAIN-Cold 21 years ago
I know indifference its shroud enwraps your eyes. Your glance rests at me. Ice become warmer.
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tiong_chung_hoo's picture
tiong_chung_hoo posted a new Poem titled PRECIOUS HAIKU JUNE 7, 2003 21 years ago
confucius - if only he were my mother in confucius' society, woman is given very low status. all decisions regarding family and nation rest...
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tiong_chung_hoo's picture
tiong_chung_hoo posted a new Poem titled MALAYSIAN HAIKU JUNE 7, 2003 21 years ago
assalamulaikum the master greeted by Burong Tiong in his own voice burong tiong, a malaysian bird, that looks quite like a a mynah but co...
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hhickson's picture
hhickson posted a new Poem titled IRAQ 21 years ago
Look into those sullen faces See the long repression there You see it in so many places This quest for freedom rare. The children hide...
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pgeihm's picture
pgeihm posted a new Poem titled Not This Time 21 years ago
Life is confusing Evil and abusing But the one thing that I have I don't know how long it'll last I accept this one thing With arms wide op...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] وقفات مع القمر 21 years ago
بلا موعد التقينا وكنت على مشارف النافذه المظلمه تحملقين وكنت أتيت عنوه اركل الدرب الطويل بشوق للقاء إقتربت من  نافذتك قليلا لارا...
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journey_through_life's picture
journey_through_life posted a new Poem titled YOU 21 years ago
You are everything to me Darling this can you not see You're all I need or desire My passion that burns like fire You're the air that I brea...
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zendog8's picture
zendog8 posted a new Poem titled What are you doing? 21 years ago
I sit here and I wonder what are you doing? Are you at home thinking about me? When right now i'm thinking about you Thinking about your bea...
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ladydp2000's picture
ladydp2000 posted a new Poem titled THERE WAS A TIME 21 years ago
There was a time when I really thougth That I knew it, understood it all, As we were both in time standing tall, More than ready to fly,and...
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poetvg's picture
poetvg posted a new Poem titled * Vampire Bites * 21 years ago
                   you come to me   ...
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jenfool's picture
jenfool posted a new Poem titled How 21 years ago
How do I tell you, forget me today When I want you to love me Yet I don't want to stay You need to be free So what else should I say The har...
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DaddyO's picture
DaddyO posted a new Poem titled "Believe" 21 years ago
by Jeph Johnson   "Believe me" she spoke into my cynical ears twice deafened by reason --- "But that's what SHE SAID," I cried, "How d...
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