* Vampire Bites *

                   you come to me

                   as i sleep in

                   the night for

                    many bites u

                    suck on my

                    blood like

                    im your mid

                    night snack

                    every noon with

                   all your might.

                    your loves

                    out of sight

                    im no longer

                    in fright but

                    the bite marks

                    on my neck still

                    remain and it is

                    all because of you.

               THIS POEM IS ALL MINE        

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem is about my
   vampire prince

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Adali Isidro's picture

who bit you?

Reggi Vampire's picture

this poem is simple, yet intriguing and very easy to understand. I like it.

Jas Scherlag's picture

Wow. I really like this poem. It's really beautiful and descriptive. I like how you described it as a "mid night snack."