If you’re one of the 132 people in this country thinking of committing suicide today
This poem is for you:
You begin life in a bubble…in a quiet underwater room
floating effortlessly and safely inside your mother’s womb.
Once you enter the world…you quickly come to see
you are safe, protected and loved…inside the bubble of your family.
You grow up inside this bubble…inside that warm and comforting space…
believing that the world, like your bubble, is a safe and happy place.
But at a certain age you discover…although your bubble is a beautiful place to be
It is also very fragile and can be popped or broken easily.
Somewhere along the way you find within this bubble in which you are immersed
how death, sorrow, heartache or hatred…can make your bubble burst.
And once your bubble pops…say from hateful words so freely spoken
you realize you cannot re-enter a bubble…once it has been broken.
What you need to realize once your bubble bursts…even though it can’t be mended
is that it was just a bubble…and not your life that’s ended.
And what makes bubbles so amazing…after they’ve been broken or deflated…
Is how, with the warmth of your family and friends…a new bubble is created.
As this new bubble forms around you…and begins to float…then soar…
you realize this new expanded bubble is a little stronger than your bubble was before.
So every time your bubble bursts..allow yourself the time you need to grieve…
but know you’re not alone…know this is a grief that you can weather.
by turning to your family and friends…and creating a new bubble…together.
Yes, remember every time your bubble breaks…as you cry and scar and bleed
that you are surrounded by people who will help you create as many bubbles as you need.
You began life in a peaceful bubble…and when it’s time for your life to end…
you are meant to leave this world peacefully…
in a bubble of family and friends.