
Trees On Here (First Haiku, ca. '19)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is just a first ever attempt at composing a "haiku" (a Japanese poem/poetic style or form, described as traditionally evoking nature—according to my mobile device's built-in definition).  It is, in fact, my first ever haiku this year (the year 2019).  The poem was meant to be an affected poem, since it was originally done with little clue about the Japanese mindset & was considered to be a practice poem batched with another similar poem (my first ever "tanka" composition: Trees In The Green).  The motivation for it was neither considered meaningful nor entirely meaningless, also (to be quite descriptive about its neutralist view of the whole process).  Not meaningful in that the metaphor might not really consist a significant/insignificant part among the majority of my entry posts; but just by virtue of, admittedly, trying to make this type of a poem for its objective praxis.  Therefore my compositional skills is on its experimental stages.  Please kindly bear with me.

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