When I was a teacher I knew…from their parents my students were on loan

and I did my best to treat them as if they were children of my own.


At the beginning of every day…this mantra I repeated:

I will do my best to treat my students the way I’d like my children treated.


It was as a wonderful way to start each day…echoing my Golden Rule Of Teaching

for I knew, in my heart, my mind and soul… its effects could be far-reaching.


It’s my own interpretation, my own version of The Golden Rule…

the one we all learned while growing up…in our churches and our schools.


And now, being long-retired, with my teaching career complete…

I try to use The Golden Rule of Teaching with everyone I meet.


So when I see or hear of people being hateful, inhumane and cruel…

I wonder if they no longer believe, have forgotten…or are ignoring The Golden Rule. 


When I see people belittled, demeaned, debased, degraded and defiled…

I want to ask, would you be treating this person that way…

if this person was your child?


Looking at the state of the world…I don’t think I’m overreaching

to think it would be good for everyone…every day to repeat The Golden Rule of Teaching.


To begin each day with an open heart…and with this simple phrase repeated:

Today I will treat everyone I see the way I’d like my children treated.


It may seem too simple, too childish, too innocent…

but in a world that is daily falling apart…

perhaps the Golden Rule of Teaching is the perfect place to start.

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