Today I’m channeling on of my favorite Bob Dylan songs to help me with my poem.




A storm has raged across this country since its inception…

swirling clouds of greed and prejudice and hate.

And as long as this storm continues…our country never will be great!


To those who have been and still feel oppressed, hopeless and forlorn…

I offer up my house to give you shelter from the storm.


To the indigenous people whose initial kindness 

we repaid with savagery and scorn…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


To anyone whose skin color we make feel like a crown of thorns…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


To all of you who know what gender you truly are

inside the body to which you were born…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


To those who choose to pray and love Gods of all different forms…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


To those who choose to love each other

whose love is met with ridicule and scorn…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


And to all of you with a disability…know this…

we all deviate a little from the norm…

Come in, I say, I’ll give you shelter from the storm.


Even though this storm has been raging for 240 years or more…

today it seems much stronger and more destructive than before.


So now more than ever we need more people

To offer a place to keep each other protected, safe and warm….

Now more than ever we need more people to say…

Come in my friends and I will give you…shelter from the storm.

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