I origionally wrote this for Daniel, a boy I dated to had to go back to England (England Rules!!) but it can also be used for, Matt.H, Chris, Tony, and Dennis...all the people who left me.
My wife and I are no longer. She had thought someone had stolen her wedding ring awhile back when we seperated.... (we had room mates etc..) I had taken it... in hopes of one day giving it to her... in a GOOD way... again.. but she was certain I learned last night. (08/15/00). So I had the ring cleaned, boxed again... and had her read the first part... then the second... whereupon I set the ring on the table. Maybe you had to be there.. anyway... it is over.. and I don't want that kind of pain again. The first part references some Pearl Jam lyrics... and some Sheryl Crow lyrics.. very relevent to an earlier time... when we BOTH loved each other deeply....