This is my divorce

If I could turn back time.....
before seven on..
and remember again what it is
to smile
and mean it....
and not feel
not feel at all...
so alone
Lose the shame, forget regret
rebuild lost love
My feeling
reclaim my love, lost love
and broken lives
this broken life, built on lies
of misconception....
to smile again
and mean it.
to FEEL again and SEE
the beauty of it all.
I need you.... do you?
Do you need? Do you need
regain this broken life
reclaim lost love
cause I saw you once
and touched a SOUL
grasped and held on....
my strength is weakened, and now your lost
to me and oh god I know it's now
Am I alone?, without you
I am lost without you?
oh god.. not alone
I love you so
I lost my soul ... somewhere
I'm sorry
Oh please..... just please....
forgive me.
But go your way... and find
what's yours... you so deserve it...
you so endured for me...
forgive me,
Daylights coming.. been up all night...
this endless night
I only hope the dawn is coming
But I know...  is it?
too late
forgive me.
And Sa-Rah
say Hu-Rah
we've both survived another day
but love I know.. must be somehow
I wasn't Strong Enough
after all.

Dear Sarah,

This was given with great love.
It was taken back with hopes for the future.
It is given again, with great love. With love always... and wishes for your happiness.
You captured my heart, and I pissed it away over 5 difficult years.
Save it perhaps for our son.... perhaps for yourself.... I don't know.
But it is yours... and always will be.... there is something magic wrapped in this shiny rock and metal... something I don't think I'll be lucky enough to find... or deserve... ever again.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My wife and I are no longer. She had thought someone had stolen her wedding ring awhile back when we seperated.... (we had room mates etc..) I had taken it... in hopes of one day giving it to her... in a GOOD way... again.. but she was certain I learned last night. (08/15/00). So I had the ring cleaned, boxed again... and had her read the first part... then the second... whereupon I set the ring on the table. Maybe you had to be there.. anyway... it is over.. and I don't want that kind of pain again. The first part references some Pearl Jam lyrics... and some Sheryl Crow lyrics.. very relevent to an earlier time... when we BOTH loved each other deeply....

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Raine's picture

You'll think I'm a schmuck, but I cried when I finished this. Only for a moment, but tears for me are so rare that I wasn't sure what to make of it. I had no idea that you were divorced. I mentioned in one critique that she was a lucky woman...I'm sorry if that caused any emotional repurcussions. I'm relieved to say that I haven't experienced anything so terrible yet in my life. Hopefully I'll be able to avoid some of it. I do know what you mean about smiling, though. To smile and mean it...

Rachelle Wiegand's picture

Grey, Wow...a lot of potency here. Sorry to hear about your divorce. It sucks, it truly does. I feel your pain in this piece, and know that you must have loved her very much to go to such extremes for your love. Beautiful poem. I love the references to Pearl Jam and Sheryl Crow music...some of the best, and also some of my favorites. Both amazing lyricists. Thanks you for bearing your soul. Beautiful poem.