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patriciajj commented on: PROGRESS by Solitary_Dreamer 1 year 5 weeks ago
With open eyes and: With open eyes and unflinching candor, you see what's going on and where it is taking us. I'm comforted that many young people are rejecting the hyperindividualism that keeps humanity trapped in a self-destructive loop.    Very important commentary. Well said! 
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patriciajj commented on: . by metaphorist 1 year 5 weeks ago
I love it! You took what most: I love it! You took what most women consider to be a biological inconvenience and, with poetic charisma and an upbeat perspective, turned it into a celebration of femininity, even a song of gratitude for a magnificent gift.    An astonishing treatment of a subject too many poets have fumbled. Excellent!   
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patriciajj commented on: Keepers by SilverDawn 1 year 5 weeks ago
It's a great pleasure to: It's a great pleasure to discover your enchanting work.   The message in this mystical, embracing and sparkling wonder is one of precious consolation. Who the keepers are might be different things to different readers, but their sacred mission is the same: to bring hope, renewal and rebirth.   Metaphorically magnificent and spiritually illuminating. Every line, gleaming with ethereal beauty, is a treasure.  
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S74rw4rd commented on: . by metaphorist 1 year 5 weeks ago
I have been reading Poetry: I have been reading Poetry for fifty years as of this past April, but I have never seen this subject matter presented like this.  And I think this poem is one of the supreme demonstrations of your artistic and verbal skill:  because it shows us the paradox of writing both delicately, in your chosen words, and forcefully in the meaning you intend to convey.  This is why you are one of the pillars of PostPoems, and why I try (not always successfully, due to my circumstances) to keep up with your new poems as you post them.  
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Teytonon commented on: All that, and a bag of chips by Teytonon 1 year 5 weeks ago
Hi. So true..: Hi. So true. Have you heard the term 'shrinkflation'? It's the sneaky way consumers get screwed. The price of the product will remain the same, but you're getting less for the same money. What do you get in those small 50 cent bag of chips? It's half empty before you open it! Thanks for your comment. 
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S74rw4rd commented on: Christians Aren't Supposed To Get Revenge by randyjohnson 1 year 5 weeks ago
This poem, which is: This poem, which is significantly different than your several funereal poems, may very well be the most important poem that you have posted here at postpoems.  You have offered a great testimony to one of the chief principles of the Christian Faith.  You are absolutely correct that Christians are not to seek revenge; as the Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 12:19. You also reminded me, in this poem, that only a Christian  has the right to instruct, and question or discuss the behavior of another Christian.  As Proverbs 27:17 (which I read in the LXX translation of the Orthodox Church) Iron sharpens iron; in other words, like addresses and assists like when it comes to spiritual matters.  And your faith is quite evident in this poem, and this poem calls all of its readers who believe to greater vigilance upon their own behavior. I applaud you for posting this.  I, for one, hope you will post more Christian testimony poems.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: All that, and a bag of chips by Teytonon 1 year 5 weeks ago
Inflation adjustment: Due to inflation, it's now "they're not all that and a single chip". Or else you're just setting the standards impossibly high.
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S74rw4rd commented on: My Vision by satishverma 1 year 6 weeks ago
I have not been able to: I have not been able to comment much on your work, lately, but I still applaud your work in this particular form, and the way you put so much into such a small space---like Chopin's Nocturnes and Preludes.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Foggy Menial Shakedown by J-C4113d 1 year 6 weeks ago
Thank you very much.: Thank you very much.
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Pungus commented on: Foggy Menial Shakedown by J-C4113d 1 year 6 weeks ago
Like: Like
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Pungus commented on: Bitter Pill by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 6 weeks ago
Wow, I couldn't pass this up: Wow, I couldn't pass this up and I'm glad I never do. What is there to say other than you're flippin' BRILLIANT man?! and you know it's true
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S74rw4rd commented on: Zoey The Ghostwatcher, And Mrs. Brown, The Ghost by J-C4113d 1 year 6 weeks ago
Thank you for sharing that: Thank you for sharing that with me, it really means a lot and is very comforting.  
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patriciajj commented on: Zoey The Ghostwatcher, And Mrs. Brown, The Ghost by J-C4113d 1 year 6 weeks ago
Several NDE's have confirmed: Several NDE's have confirmed that we do meet our beloved animal companions on the other side. I was very touched by your personal experiences with precious souls in animal bodies.   You're never, ever verbose!     
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patriciajj commented on: Man Made Hellscape by LittleLennonGurl 1 year 6 weeks ago
"Truth screaming to be: "Truth screaming to be seen"   A blistering and cutting commentary on the train wreck of our division. Each line is a hammer pounding against the darkness. In your resolve and eloquent power, I saw some light in the cracks.   Amazing lyrics. My respect!  
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S74rw4rd commented on: War Porn by lyrycsyntyme 1 year 6 weeks ago
I was five months old when I: I was five months old when I was adopted in 1958.  Later, in 1995, I inquired into my adoption file, as was my right, and found out that my birth mother had been a high school girl and my birth father was a young man of the same age of whom her parents did not aoprove.  Her father, my maternal birth grandfather, had a PhD in Chemistry, was director of research for a major American corporation, was an elected elder in the Presbyterian Church and, like I once was, a thirty-second degree Freemason.  He was also, according to the records clerk who pulled my file, apparently a first-class bastard, as he bribed the family court judge who presided over my adoption (and told my birth mother that were wishes carried no weight with the court); he also bribed the adoption agency attorney and several of the medical staff who delivered me.  This was discovered in 1995 because the official file also contained, probably by error, ledger pages that the judge had kept---apparently the judge arranged the bribes and made the payments on my birth-grandfather's behalf, and then kept a record of it which ended up accidentally included in the file,  The judge also knew the people who adopted me through their involvement in the political party to which they all belonged, and he had told them that he was doing them a favor by rushing the adoption through and cutting corners (which was what my birth-grandfather had paid him to do anyhow).  By another odd coincidence, both my adopted mother and my first-wife's father were employed by the corporate division over which my birth-grandfather presided, although none of them were acquainted with each other.  My birth father "went bad" after my birth mother's father forcibly broke them up.  He later married, moved to Richmond Indiana, where---during the summer of my seventeenth year---he came home early from a business tript, caught his wife in bed with the next door neighbor, and pulled a gun from under his jacket and blew her brains out.  He then called the police om himself and surrendered to them, and did a ten year stretch for manslaughter.  Here is the final irony:  in the cemetery where my adopted parents are buried, they are located less than a bundred yars from the graves of my birth mother's parents---the scheming corporate exec and his alcoholic wife.  How's that for a tale?  Truth is always stranger than fiction.
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