

It starts with a trickle,
spotty evidence
of an empty womb.

Then comes the full force
of my womanhood
cascading out of my body.

It's messy but uniquely feminine:
proof of the God-given gift
to birth new creations.

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patriciajj's picture

I love it! You took what most

I love it! You took what most women consider to be a biological inconvenience and, with poetic charisma and an upbeat perspective, turned it into a celebration of femininity, even a song of gratitude for a magnificent gift. 


An astonishing treatment of a subject too many poets have fumbled. Excellent! 

C03ru135c3n7's picture

I have been reading Poetry

I have been reading Poetry for fifty years as of this past April, but I have never seen this subject matter presented like this.  And I think this poem is one of the supreme demonstrations of your artistic and verbal skill:  because it shows us the paradox of writing both delicately, in your chosen words, and forcefully in the meaning you intend to convey.  This is why you are one of the pillars of PostPoems, and why I try (not always successfully, due to my circumstances) to keep up with your new poems as you post them.  
