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S74rw4rd commented on: Our History by Nolarak 50 weeks 4 days ago
Having experienced that kind: Having experienced that kind of desire more times than I care to admit, I applaud your poem for describing it so well and so accurately.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Constant Yelling by Nolarak 50 weeks 4 days ago
During my childhood, I walked: During my childhood, I walked on eggshells all the time.  I realized at a very, very early age (sometime prior to kindergarten) that I was unable, and would always be unable, to fulfill my parents' expectations.  There was so much I could not disclose to them.  But, forty-eight years ago (as of the 13th of this month), I told them I wanted to be a poet (as opposed to my earlier ambition to be a writer of horror and/or science fiction stories); I said this to them on a Monday evening, during dinner, and the aghast expression on their faces was so amusing that I could not help giggling (and did not even try to suppress the response).  Poetry was one of the four cardinal sins in their little (and belittling world); and the fact that I not only inclined to it, but openly admitted the ambition, struck them as an ultimate betrayal, Yes, those eggshells are very, very familiar to me, and very much a part of my memories from childhood and adolescence.  I am sorry you had to experience them as well.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Katarakt by bishu 50 weeks 4 days ago
I developed cataracts in both: My heart goes out to you, and my prayer today goes up on your behalf.
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beaconzbard commented on: ABBA FATHER by beaconzbard 50 weeks 4 days ago
This one is now on YouTube: I read this one in a YouTube video.  You can watch it by clicking here:
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Caterpillars Transforming Into Butterflies by metaphorist 50 weeks 5 days ago
Once more a very beautiful: Once more a very beautiful work. 
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beaconzbard commented on: WORDS OF PRAISE by beaconzbard 50 weeks 5 days ago
I read it on YouTube: You can watch/hear me read it by clicking on the following link   I love you folks, but Jesus loves you more.   T. W. Smith
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Blessing in Disguise by metaphorist 50 weeks 6 days ago
A very good poem touching on: A very good poem touching on growth and the more fulfilling places roads often lead.
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crypticbard commented on: reading the room by arqios 50 weeks 6 days ago
For sure the Illiad was a bit: For sure the Illiad was a bit of a headache similar to the novel Gone With the Wind what for the sheer length of lines. It probably takes a rare talent to keep our attention and keep us entertained simulaneously. Add that to the slow nature of the reading process so there is something to be grateful for with regards to each generation's "core audience."
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S74rw4rd commented on: smiling by humanfruit 50 weeks 6 days ago
The poem is very evocative,: The poem is very evocative, and states what I believe to be a universal fear:  the fear of abandonment.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Guess the Gamble by humanfruit 50 weeks 6 days ago
I have that problem, too.  My: I have that problem, too.  My condition sometimes interferes with my reading plans, so that those who post the most are those of whom I am able to read the least.  You state the problem very succinctly.
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SSmoothie commented on: Never forget you by SSmoothie 51 weeks 4 hours ago
Love you, visit you soon I: Love you, visit you soon I promise,  hugss
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S74rw4rd commented on: reading the room by arqios 51 weeks 16 hours ago
You are very observant, and I: You are very observant, and I think the answer to the poem's question is that both processes are active.  I also think they are slow processes---we are not yet ready, unfortunately, for a large return to the long formats of, say, something like Browning's Ring And Book.  Some few will always form a core audience, in every generation, for the long poems.  However, I think that there is a lot of legitimacy in Callimachus" ancient assertion that a big poem can be a big headache.  Forty-eight years ago, this month, I first began to study Poetry---and I thought, then, that epic form was the supreme vehicle for poetry.  I do not believe that now---I applaud Callimachus' literary opinions. I hope this comment makes some sense in its attempt to reply to your very astute Poem.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Solar Eclipse by metaphorist 51 weeks 18 hours ago
In this poem, you demonstrate: In this poem, you demonstrate the truth and poetic skill that are represented by your screen name, Metaphorist, and you also provide a sense of hope that will continue to provide both light and warmth, like stars do, now that you have set it forth.  This poem is also like the Biblical metaphor of bread cast upon the waters:  it will return to you, and will become a blessing to you because you have constructed it to be a blessing to others.  This is one of the chief reasons I admire your Poetry (even though I have fallen behind in my reading, due to my situation; for which I apologize); this is also a chief reason why you are one of the pillars of this website.
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S74rw4rd commented on: Please Pray For Me, That This Thought Will Remain With Me Unto Death by J-C4113d 51 weeks 1 day ago
Thank you.  I feel very: Thank you.  I feel very blessed that I have received comments from two of PostPoems' finest Poets---yourself and crypticbard.  That encourages and strenghtens me very much.
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patriciajj commented on: Please Pray For Me, That This Thought Will Remain With Me Unto Death by J-C4113d 51 weeks 1 day ago
I'm deeply moved by your: I'm deeply moved by your heartbreaking (and I thought my parents were tough!) and ultimately promising journey. Thank you wholeheartedly, Stellar Poet, for reading my comment with your rare, intuitive perception that I've come to appreciate more than you know.   Keep doing you and lifting us up along the way.  
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