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You call it lust, 

I call it desire. 


Someone I can't have.


Yet you teased me before. 

You didn't do it to hurt me, 

but nonetheless gave into 

your darker side.


You told me why,

I didn't care.


You still did it anyway.

But now you expect me to 

heel to your request?


My desire for you started earlier 

than your need to send me

sexy pictures of yourself.


You still wanted my persuit, 

or my desire to want you. 


I don't really know why you needed me,

but I sufficed I guess. 


And in the say way, 

you were efficent for me. 


But I could never have you, 

I still can't.


What is wrong with my desire?




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Having experienced that kind

Having experienced that kind of desire more times than I care to admit, I applaud your poem for describing it so well and so accurately.

Starwardized [fka Starward]