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allets commented on: GOES WITHOUT SAY by georgeschaefer 2 years 31 weeks ago
Never Give Up!: . It burns energy on the lifeline. ~A~
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allets commented on: The Calendar Goes In Circles by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 31 weeks ago
Way Changing?: Just every year, sometimes twice.  I simply resolve to do better than the year before - it is more negotiable. And definitely cyclic! ;D  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: From Here, Where? by allets 2 years 31 weeks ago
Very glad to hear you have: Very glad to hear you have kept the Daily Planner full of clean pages. Wishing you good grace and any help you need to clear the hurdles before you.   If by chance you're not familiar with Turmeric, I would like to recommend it. It's good an almost untold number of good uses, among which those which may relate to what you currently face dealing with. It's done wonders for a number of people in my life (as well as a cat, believe it or not). Highly recommended. Look forward to seeing your around in these all too human days ahead. Here's to spring.  
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allets commented on: K.I. by cynosure 2 years 31 weeks ago
Dear Center Of Admiration: . Kangaroo Isle - a place for tears wrapped in mali leaves. We have Belle Isle off Detroit, Michigan - maybe an oak leaf... . ~A~.    I looked up mallee. A Eucalypt.
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allets commented on: Drop in on Love by Psysped 2 years 31 weeks ago
Balanced Lines: "Where all human race is one human jewel..." 5/5 1 repeated word, a metaphor, a wish as a hope.  Rest of poem - nirvana theme. A "peaceable place ". Stop by - recharge, the toes wash to enevitably dust again. Love is a wondrous place to visit. ~A~
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allets commented on: From Here, Where? by allets 2 years 31 weeks ago
Hanging In There: Still making plans. Mental health says nothing lasts, prognosis concurs. Each day is new. 72 is great, 92 so much better!  :D  
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allets commented on: From Here, Where? by allets 2 years 31 weeks ago
I Will Go: To where I came from. - Well Said! I believe that. Water as storyteller - nice! ~A~   
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allets commented on: Born To Inspire by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 31 weeks ago
Normal And Ordinary: . ingnoring unacceptable cincepts a barrier to keep out distracting ixygen breathers as if you chose what is untruth or corporeal. Interesting notion until hard truth shows up, no food, no water - like that. Preservation equals maintaining the vocabulary, expanding it to say bigger more condensed truths as you discover then. Putin's truths are not Oprah's or V. I. Lenin's. Freedom must mean free ti think it up and act in it or there is no freedom. Attaching responsible is like everything after "but" being bullhockey! Absenting evil, calling it out to slam is the trial by combat proof. Truth is something else. If you can't sense it... . Lady A .
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Psysped commented on: From Here, Where? by allets 2 years 31 weeks ago
Earth's waters hold our: Earth's waters hold our memories and her soils our souls. You will go to where you came from and the water will tell your story.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: The End, Again by 2 years 31 weeks ago
Fantastic: This is fantastic and dead-on target. "It's the end again for the first time / but probably not the last". I've written a lot about "apocalypses" over the years, and don't think I've found 13 words that could hammer it down as well as you have in these two lines.   When we donate our emotions at the whims of the screen, our emotions can be used against others and against ourselves. It is something, in eternal crisis mode, people especially struggle to see.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Forever damned by Vamprose999 2 years 31 weeks ago
Birth is a selling of your: Birth is a selling of your soul to Life. Death is a contract with what ever's behind the next mystery door.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Billionaire Causes of Climate Change by saiom 2 years 31 weeks ago
Our oligarchs want us to keep: Our oligarchs want us to keep our eyes on the ill-gains and ways of other oligarchs.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: The Fight by exthias1983 2 years 31 weeks ago
I like the theme of using: I like the theme of using boxing to pace this internal fight. More than a few boxers, in the literal fight, seek to use it therapuetically to deal with personal struggle. So there's a strong metaphorical connect here.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Cooling Lava by Nolarak 2 years 31 weeks ago
Fine imagery of writing passion cooling as lava: Let your work believe in itself, my friend. Let your time be held and cherished by it's own hands.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: War Truth by LittleLennonGurl 2 years 31 weeks ago
What have we done?: Indeed, the right question. A song and a question that every imperialist nation, including our own, ought to dwell on. This moment is both a window and a mirror.
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