War Truth

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Soldiers fighting

A war they were
Blatantly lied to about
Threatened even
If they didn't
Just go with it
And fight for
A country that
Won't even be
Honest with
It's people about
Why the war is happening
Meanwhile being ordered
To launch strikes against
Innocent people
Just trying to get out
Without question
Because questions 
Mean treason
And this Putin
Is why you are
World wide enemy
Number one

Mama this is so hard
Why am I 
Even here
These people
Have done nothing
Please I just want
To go home

Verse 2
Not expected
Looking victims
In the eyes
Having to lie
Like how we 
Were lied to
About being here
Killing children
While being kids
If we could just
Go home
Right fucking now
We would
Training exercises
That is all it was
Ever supposed to be
What the fuck happened
What will happen to me
And my family
What have we done
What have I become


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allets's picture

When Russia Killed The Tzars


Russian soldiers were already marching home from the war front with Germany. 1917 - interesting year. May 2022 take a lesson from history.

Truth in a piem, refreshing to read.




lyrycsyntyme's picture

What have we done?

Indeed, the right question. A song and a question that every imperialist nation, including our own, ought to dwell on. This moment is both a window and a mirror.