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patriciajj commented on: Animal Rights Stories by saiom 2 years 29 weeks ago
Some people quit their jobs: Some people quit their jobs in slaughterhouses because they noticed the effect on their mental health. Becoming desensitized is the only way to survive such a job. The actual death of the living being is only part of the brutality. So much torment, hormones, antibiotics, unsanitary practices and dangerous chemicals goes into the flesh sold in stores.   If everyone knew the facts behind their food, the meat industry would lose a lot of money, which is why they go to great lengths to ban cameras from their factory farms.    These heart-wrenching stories have one thing in common: deregulation caused by greed.    Thank you for getting the word out. 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: The bathwater is murky sad by humanfruit 2 years 29 weeks ago
Like all tornadoes..: delusion comes to an end. Where it drops you off is the only unknown, at least from inside.   A lot of intensity and much to explore in just 3 lines.    
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: tubig-ulan (in Tagalog language) by tula 2 years 29 weeks ago
Alam ko ay konting..: Napakatahimik. Marilag!
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patriciajj commented on: tubig-ulan (in Tagalog language) by tula 2 years 29 weeks ago
A very imaginative and: A very imaginative and eloquent way to describe the rain. Beautiful! 
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patriciajj commented on: Cute cashier by humanfruit 2 years 29 weeks ago
Just enough words and the: Just enough words and the right words. It's precious and perfect. 
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saiom commented on: Animal Rights Stories by saiom 2 years 29 weeks ago
  Dear John, Re'Is it:   Dear John, Re'Is it possible that the poor working conditions and low pay led to increases in violence' Sarah Barmak reports that none of the factories in which those conditions prevail are correlated to such increases in violence unless the assembly line murder of animals is involved.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Animal Rights Stories by saiom 2 years 29 weeks ago
Disturbingly fascinating: I wish to play a (sort of) devil's advocate here:   Is it possible that the poor working conditions and low pay led to increases in violence, rather than the butchering of animals? Or perhaps, a bit of both?   We know that poverty is connected to increases in community crime. We also know that abuse can create violence, in turn. Such working conditions as low wage workers have often been faced with in factories could certainly be regarded as abuse.   Just offering some possible alternate partial or full explanations. Not that it isn't reasonable, when thinking about this, to imagine that someone who was involved in killing hundreds of kangaroos (or other slaughterhouse animals) a year, getting practiced and desensitized in using a weapon, might become more violent. Historically, when killing for food, a participant might only successfully hunt several wild beasts a year, if that. In many societies, even agrarian ones with domesticated animals, the number might even have been lower. And, in many cultures, there was a ritualistic prayer or other symbolic gesture related to understanding the sacrifice involved, that often prevented it from becoming mindless violence.   p/s no shock that Nike is involved.
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patriciajj commented on: Mom is on the mossy porch by humanfruit 2 years 29 weeks ago
Phenomenal. I love everything: Phenomenal. I love everything about this intensely emotional portrait, from the title to the highly significant last line. Simply stellar. 
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: HRAVEN AND HELL by chris 2 years 29 weeks ago
Nice rhyming scheme.: There's similarities in this little poem between the rhyming scheme and how a chord arrangement might lead to the hook in a song. I find it pretty interesting.
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teresa_r commented on: DEAR MS. T. by chris 2 years 29 weeks ago
Thank You:  Thank you so much Chris I will always love and you have a special place in my heart and Iam crying all I want is the best for you and me I am always here and I understand now I am blessed  I will never forget you Chris.
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Venom commented on: Heron Clan Reading: March 20, 2022 Good Box, Pine Cone, Pond by djtj 2 years 29 weeks ago
I like it: u have some talent girl
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allets commented on: An Inch and a Smidge by djtj 2 years 29 weeks ago
A Smidge: A operfect quantity and a great word to say out loud :D . Lady A
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Somalia by allets 2 years 29 weeks ago
Nations have long memories: Oh, yes, they do. And we are keeping those memories fresh with every drone strike on the people of Somalia. We don't want resolution, but rather for the tin pot dictators of our choice to keep control. Colonialism ended in Africa, but only on paper. The nations left, so we could claim self-righteousness, but the corporations stayed behind and that's where the real control is (see: Elon Musk's inherited emerald mines in South Africa for one particular example, and Pat Robertson's corporate diamond and gold mines in the Congo and attempted ones in Liberia, for another). As a bonus, most of the countries were handed over to dictatorial governments who could be more openly vicious and enact slave labor, something that was going to be increasingly difficult for colonial governments to do post-WW2, especially in a more literate western world, with advancing communications technologies. So it was a win for propaganda, and a win for profits, as it is less costly to let tin pot dictators handle the enforcement of slave mining camps and "running" a country than for colonial governments to do it.   "Peace is a big word but so is starvation"   Great lines. Not many wiser have been etched. Hammer right on the nail. One could even posit that starvation - if history is proof of anything - is both literally and figuratively an even bigger word than peace. Rising crime in the increasingly food insecure USA is even proof of that (but they'll say we just need more police, of course).  
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: ABOUT TRANSCENDENCE by georgeschaefer 2 years 29 weeks ago
Nice work: And well said, I think.   Progress is defined by profitability, as far as I can see. At least generally. It's no coincidence that change doesn't come until it benefits business, with almost no exception. As horrible as it is to imagine, if slave labor became more profitable once more in the US, it would come back. There would certainly at least be a serious attempt to propagandize. I mean, in a way, it's never really left. We just moved it to the prisons, where it's still quite profitable. Largest prison pop in the world, by no accident.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Saying Goodbye by ReilaMorello 2 years 29 weeks ago
In a dearest friend, I have walked similar, and feel it: your words.   The beauty of this is almost too much to bear. It's love wrapped around tragedy, and tragedy wrapped around love, simultaneously. Twin planets orbiting each other, with a third, the one where graceful, peaceful and euphoric moments occur. We are three dimensional in body. Our emotional existence seem to be three dimensional, too. Tragedy and beauty can exist simultaneously, somehow. Hold the beauty closest to your heart, where ever you are. May you reflect on the love within all moments, even these, because that is where the shrines to what true family, friends and lovers mean grow their tallest.    
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