Dear Ms. T,
I wanted you to see,
what He did say to me.
I just wanted you to know,
nine months ago.
Months ago, nine. Divine.
He told me, see, to leave you alone,
not to call you anymore on the phone.
He told me, see, to not call you on the phone, anymore.
He said, shut the door.
Dont know why.
I know you may cry.
Cry you may.
Thats ok.
I heard the word.
I heard the word of my Lprd.
I heard what he, see, did say.
I did obey.
I know, with you, it might nor be ok.
I'm sorry. Ms. T
Thank You
Thank you so much Chris I will always love and you have a special place in my heart and Iam crying all I want is the best for you and me I am always here and I understand now I am blessed I will never forget you Chris.