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lyrycsyntyme commented on: EVEN WHORES HAVE FEELINGS by georgeschaefer 2 years 25 weeks ago
I might offer that most: I might offer that most people do what they think will help them survive. Quite often, it seems to me, the effect is null or even the opposite of the expectation.
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lyrycsyntyme commented on: Names Washed Away Long Ago by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 25 weeks ago
Interesting: Have to say that her dark side was way too dark for me. She supported her husbands decision to murder of the Czar's whole family, including children, and the infamous "red terror". She also intentionally ommitted both events in her biography on Lenin's life, after he died. Additionally, she seemed to back out of supporting Trotsky to protect herself when Stalin's faction was seeking to take firm control of the USSR (not that Trotsky was necessarily a good guy, either).
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patriciajj commented on: Sunshine (Magic Sol) by allets 2 years 25 weeks ago
" . . . eye-puncture gloom: " . . . eye-puncture gloom and a gray horizon with life's light."   That's how it's done! A shooting star of hope and brilliance. Love! 
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patriciajj commented on: @ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; An Ancient, Homoerotic Poet, Receives The Muse's Commission by J-C4113D 2 years 25 weeks ago
The poem wasn't shy or: The poem wasn't shy or ashamed or cryptic while the voice was commanding and straightforward, so the title fits. In this one, I feel, and this is just my opinion: Say it loud and proud! I love the idea of the POV being the Muse, a type of higher self one doesn't argue with. Very nice. 
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patriciajj commented on: PRAYER REQUEST by J-C4113D 2 years 25 weeks ago
No apology needed. Your: No apology needed. Your intention was clear, and in that respect, it was perfect. Your doctor needs to carefully monitor those meds! Thank God you're going home. God bless. 
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chris commented on: THE SOUND OF RAIN by pamschwetz 2 years 25 weeks ago
    Great work!   I like:     Great work!   I like writing naturalistic poems too.  
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allets commented on: Neo-Tzar by allets 2 years 25 weeks ago
I Did Not Know: Vlad had a brother. Taking over countries is bloody - ref Russia today and perpetual wars just like bloody usa Presidents. West's colonization of Africa and slave trade equals Hitlerian cruelties and over longer periods of time. I just did a search for Lenin's books - he was prolific. I read Manifesto and What Is To Be Done decades ago -- both gave me a headache! History, rhetoric, and economcs - ouch!   . ~A~ .  
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allets commented on: gatlinburg haiku by rachel 2 years 25 weeks ago
Love A Good Haiku: Love this one! . ~A~
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allets commented on: musings on time by rachel 2 years 25 weeks ago
Bravo Write!: . "...and no war without crime." A creation list of neolistc adages to embrace. . ~A~
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allets commented on: Neo-Tzar by allets 2 years 25 weeks ago
Thank You: On comment sect. I have to reply and fingers and eyes are way over stressed.   ~A~
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rachel commented on: Birds and the Beasts by rachel 2 years 25 weeks ago
You are inspiring me to: You are inspiring me to organize my poems into series, so the stories may be told. Thank you as always for your well-considered insight and genuine engagement, it makes me excited to write again.
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Starward commented on: EVEN WHORES HAVE FEELINGS by georgeschaefer 2 years 25 weeks ago
That is a very succinct: That is a very succinct summary of the human race.  Like Wallace Stevens himself, you are---in my opinion---a philosophical poet .  Stevens wrote that Poetry should help people to live their lives, and I see your poems as doing that for your readers.  
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Starward commented on: PORNOGRAPHIC PREFERENCES by georgeschaefer 2 years 25 weeks ago
During my senior undergrad: During my senior undergrad year, I was finally admitted to a very exclusive Poetry course---which was only offered every three years.  Your remarks, above, summarize and enclose, in a less than two minute read, what we were trying to do in that ten weeks, and failed to achieve.  The know it all douchebags that add little to the conversation remind me of every undergrad senior I ever knew, including myself.  Kindness and compassion cannot be taught in a textbook, or a set of footnotes:  but can be learned from Poets, like yourself, whose poems bear witness to what this world of ours needs---positive over negative, and kindness expressed as compassion.     Like I said, you really show us, Poets and Reader, how it ought to be done.
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allets commented on: A LETTER FROM EARTH by joy 2 years 25 weeks ago
Joy: At fist I thought it was a prose unrhymed poem - great last line: We will go out howling and shrieking - the fire next time. If it is the end of the last ice age and we do not nuke ourselves to crying death, earth will survive us. We are an accident of nature - evolved. We are devolving in a petrie dish culture, warmed and over populated. We will not live to see earth change, or see what it evolves into later. Much later. . We elaborately construct myths around us and assume them true - like a hypothesis proven. Order, a strange selfish and cruel order, is establshed that defies peace, encourages war for the most convenient justification, controlling and accumulating wealth. It is the only game in Earth-Vegas. . God is a concept, not a man or male concept - Holy text are guides to faith - to continue rhe species (accompanied by a threat of pain eternal). Nice touch. The intent of religons have failed Earth born. Freedom, greed, avarice, and ambition won. Putin is testing multi-warhead (10) ICCBMs to threaten Biden and force the West to withdraw from countering Russia's desire for Empire. Sentiment soothes but there is a war always raging somewhere on Earth. The earth is indifferent.  . ~A~ 
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allets commented on: E-commerce [Essay] by KingofWords 2 years 25 weeks ago
Where U Been?: Hi   Lady A
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