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allets commented on: Lint by lyrycsyntyme 2 years 18 weeks ago
Magnificent!: There is but one criticism possbible for the Alfred Hitchcock ending of wonder genius brilliance and that well intended 1st response to  enlightenment about the lint event is: Oh shit! Not for the squeemish, a naked dude in the closet is rife with imagey and innuendo and possibilities. Neato conclusion, nothing else could have served as the down beat following this no holds barred or bared crescendo. . :D  
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crypticbard commented on: Untitled Musing by exthias1983 2 years 18 weeks ago
Promises are a thing that: Promises are a thing that these days people don't seem to much value and throw around so easily. Quite sad, really. Thanks for sharing.
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Teytonon commented on: OBLIGATORY TOM WAITS POEM by georgeschaefer 2 years 18 weeks ago
Tom Waits is great. Thanks for posting.:      
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crypticbard commented on: Eternal Morsel by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
This is both a privilege and: This is both a privilege and an honour. And the 'flickering impossible entity' is something ruminate on and behold!
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allets commented on: Gun Recall by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
Mass Greed: Tendencies of hierarchial humans. Congress is charged with sharing the wealth thru taxation - then law firms invented the loophole. Blanket 50% tax on uber income, defined as over 1 million annually, made retrograde to 2000. Defund military and build infrastructure across usa. .Class like loopholes implies separateness. If dollar crashes, some humbling is in order. - naw. Nevermore! (I am a dreamer, I know, they got gold stashed off shore). ~A~     
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allets commented on: AR-15s For Teachers by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
Guns Solve Nothing: . The next bad idea is unfolding. SAMs, shoulder to air weapons. Threaten to disclose campaign donor lists--Congress will stop sales of automatic killing machines to everyone, like Canada. ~A~..
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djtj commented on: AR-15s For Teachers by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
Agreed: I would not want to be a teacher and forced to hold a gun. The one time I fired one at a target I cried. 
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djtj commented on: Spring Came Regardless by djtj 2 years 18 weeks ago
Happy : Happy it was a happy poem and not the lament of my procastionation I thought it started out as. I surprise myself in my writing where they end up.
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djtj commented on: Spring Came Regardless by djtj 2 years 18 weeks ago
Thanks: Thanks for the visit. The summer bulbs actually sprouted but no flowers yet. And the flowering ones she picked seem to be doing okay in their pots. My boyfrinend watched the flat of flowers when i went on vacation so maybe his green thumb saved
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georgeschaefer commented on: WRITING LIKE POE by georgeschaefer 2 years 18 weeks ago
thank you: thank you
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allets commented on: Get the guns off the street by elliot_jordan2003 2 years 18 weeks ago
I Cried For The Dead: It is about gun sales and gun culture. We are killers, the last twelve or so wars and police actions against tiny nations taught us that. It is one solution - off the street, but illegal guns would flourish, military bring home souvenir guns, 2nd Amendment must be changed which could lead to a 2nd Civil War. usa-ers do not trust their government. Not that much. Post Floyd, post Rittenhouse, don't trust police either. Open carry legislation is growing. It's a power play until people of color lock & load - then . . . . That would be like banning religion in usa. Nuns would protest. Like correctng climate, we let it grow for too long unchecked. I am angry too because I see no answer. Congress is purchased! Minorities are supposed to have a voice, not ruled only. Hard times spark rebellion. . Patient went after surgeon for back pain post procedure. He shot anyone who tried to stop him. Rage is epidemic in usa. John Wick syndrome.  . Good topic ej. Whew! :D . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: Spring Came Regardless by djtj 2 years 18 weeks ago
Awwwwwww: You took me through a biographical voyage of a delayed spring. Let us know when (if) they bloom bigger. "then they didn't" made spring a thing for me! . I miss flower gardening. . ~A~. 
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allets commented on: NO WEAPONS by palewingedpoetess 2 years 18 weeks ago
Emptied Woman: We pour ourselves into the vessels we love, when they shatter we leave the love there. Dead love so well remembered survives. Ex loves do not get access - not the rule for kind hearts. ~A~ 
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allets commented on: Wanted Dead Or Alive: PEACE by allets 2 years 18 weeks ago
Sideface View: How to process the worst news - smirk and remember.  ~A~ 
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Wordman commented on: Wind Blown Words. by sweetwater 2 years 18 weeks ago
I wish my words would falter: I wish my words would falter as graciously as yours, beautiful write. 
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