*Untitled 6*


 Trisha Barrek Hopkins


As beautiful as a blooming rose

My love for you is never dying

I admire your perfect pose

Your soft touch sends me flying


I wish you can live forever

But like all things they must die

Just remember my love we'll always be together 

So until I meet you again

I'll try not to cry


For you will always remain in my heart

And you only hold part of that special place

We will never really part

I will never forget your precious face


God will yet again let us meet

He will yet again let us hold eachothers hand

Next to me will always be your seat 

But God is the only one in demand


But unless fate kicks in

We'll be back together sooner then you think

Then it won't be up to him

We might be apart of some link


But for now I must let you go

But please know I'll always be thinking of you

Baby I don't want anyone else

That I hope you know


Because you were the only one to my heart

That was true

Love you always

I'll remember you gladly

I'll remember the bright and sunny days

In love with you I was madly



MilMan's picture

Untitled 6

Another lovely poem,  Whispers_from _the _mind

*MilMan* Cool

douggie211's picture

Very pretty Trish Sounds like

Very pretty Trish

Sounds like a personal thing yet can be translated to so many other important areas

Love ur stuff keep it comin


destinyfate's picture

Beautiful. Well done.

Beautiful. Well done.