Febuary.17.2002 8:40pm
Trisha Barrek Hopkins
There are things people do
When they're not thinking right
If I could only get in touch with you
I'll look you in your eyes
And say sorry as I hold you tight
As I wipe the tears away as we cry
And promise I'll never hurt you
I promise you that this day
And let me assure you
That's no lie
Please sweetheart
Give me another try
She's the one who tore us apart
With all her lies
Can't you see
You're one with my soul
Since the start
I never really wanted to set you free
Or let you go
What I'm trying to say
Is I'm sorry deep down inside
I want you back in my life
I don't want it anyother way
Remember our saying
Best friends and a day
From the begining to the end
I miss you
These words I write
They are all true
I want you back in my heart
In my eyes
Back in sight
missing someone
Hi, thanks for reading my poem. Seems like there is a lot of angst thru your lines, and nothing inspires quite like that. Racing for Home was during a time I was mad for a girl. We e-mailed for 2 years, but she lived far and it wasn't meant to be, so....angst. I believe we attract what we love and what we fear,,,,so we can choose that only love is real. Fear seems real, it causes all anger, greed, lust...its always fear of not having what we feel we want or need that leads to feeling something is missing. Nothing is missing....you soul just wants to experience, your body just wants to be in balance. Fear cannot stand in the light. Steve