How to read The Bible

How to read The Bible

By JFarrell


It’s always struck me

No-one reads the Bible properly

Everyone reads

With preconceived ideas


Inspired by god, maybe

But written by men

For the benefit of men

For the control of men and women


And nowhere

Does it say what Jesus said

And nowhere

Does it say what Jesus did


It tells

What others say Jesus said and did

And in any court

That is called “here-say”


So, dear believer

Next time you read the Bible

Please try reading it with an open mind;

Maybe, god will speak back.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

reading is good

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SSmoothie's picture

I agree the letter of the law

I agree the letter of the law is mothing without the spirit of the law. I also think learning greek latin and the way they used the vernacular. For unstance the word logos means word, a promise (keeping my word), logic (as in order), swear (as in oath) and payment or debt. God is not one dimensional so in the beginning was the promise born of will and hope. Logos and as God spoke so it was. I could go on forever about multiple interpretations but the bible in context is rarely literal and mostly analogies except for the life of christ in the new testament. But alas it takes many hours of reading thinking and refering. 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

suicideslug's picture

dont need years of reading

dont need years of reading and thinking. know 2 facts - the 66 books of the bible were decided upon in 325 AD at the council of Nicea, bishops, men, to resolve the divinity issue


loads of gospels could have been chosen, but they chose four.


and ask one question, why?

SSmoothie's picture

Yes mary magdelines writings

Yes mary magdelines writings are ignored even though she was an apostle. At least christ gave women a standing in the world. Equal. Religion has long been used ro control the un enlightened  many who could not read were dependant on the bible interpretations given and on a very literal level at that. Again i could go on about contradictions etc but in truth if you read carefully there arent any that in context dont hold true. I too get angry but knock with all earnestness and the door will be opened. And you will shed your old skin... :) still a poignant and well worth reading script thankyou for sharing. Just remember that we have been told that those who wish to destroy me and my church will come and do unspeakable acts in my name. 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Co3ru135c3n7's picture

Wow.  May I ask how you came

Wow.  May I ask how you came to put this poem together?

Coerulescent [fka Starward]

suicideslug's picture

anger, hehe

being angry at christianity, because i've always wanted to believe but don't, but also angry at the stuff being done in the name of religion. being angry is how this poem came about.


thanks for your interest and leaving a comment, i hope the answer helps