A Stroll with Fear


Sneaking quietly; soft and lurking 

Trying to penetrate my dreams...

The anxiety is starting, for he waits till I am conforted

And as I touch the bark of brittle trees

He continues to watch and seek 

The snow on my feet is cold and frosty

My breath pale puffs of exhaustion

Step by quiet step

He begins to pace behind with bated breath

His hands trembling, lips quivering 

Burning with need and fury

Swaying at my own fatigue

He deftly presses against my form

He rocks me to a hidden song

That the silent winter forest speaks

A song that whispers foreboding 

Of the wretched disaster about to transpire

Sighing contently, he begins to smile

Watching as my eyes drop and soul digresses

Sweeping away my hair from my nape 

He gathers satisfaction and hate

"Oh, so beautiful still...

How you fought valiantly against my will. 

But you've weakened in your fragile state

Because your foolish heart is easy to take. 

All those you let inside

Stab and insult until you cry!"


Gathering me in his arms

My body listless and tainted by his charms

He starts to wrap me in a shrouded black curtain of doubt 


"And now I've come, my beauty

To infect your blood that flows through your chest

And breathe in fear to softly arrest

The peace and tranquility you hear

For my dear, I am Fear..."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It ends abrupt for you to decide her/your fate with fear ;)

View soulstonic's Full Portfolio
ashes_theartofburning's picture

Wow Soul!

"Step by quiet step

He begins to pace behind with bated breath

His hands trembling, lips quivering

Burning with need and fury

Swaying at my own fatigue

He deftly presses against my form"


The imagery in this is stunning!

This has to be one of my favorite parts.

I could see the little puffs of air that left his body as he stalked you through that winter forest.

Your really great at this!

^.^ <3


"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo

soulstonic's picture

Thank you so much! that

Thank you so much! that totally made my day :3

and im glad you like the imagery. I'm trying to stretch my wings a bit and describe the the world in my rad better






impyshideout's picture

This is good soul. Nice to

This is good soul. Nice to see you back writing again.

soulstonic's picture

Thank you! I have been

Thank you! I have been inspired lately to write. So here I am, late at night trying to conjure words to the images inside my head

and how are you beautiful? :)

impyshideout's picture

Feeling a little down

Feeling a little down today. 

Poetry drives me crazy sometimes.

I've fallen into discomfort with my musings.

Need to get back to NO Shame!

And No apologies!

But for some reason,

I am feeling a little of both.


soulstonic's picture

ah, those gloomy days that

ah, those gloomy days that like to take sunshine away. Well just got to take a deep breath and blow them away! No shame for the vibrant life that pours from you :). You my dear, are too amazing to be held down by such a cloud 

impyshideout's picture

I suppose all I can do is

I suppose all I can do is pour it out of me through poetry... But damnit! My arms, fingers an buttocks hurt! All this writing is taking its toll on my poor body.

soulstonic's picture

Lmao! We'll have to get you a

Lmao! We'll have to get you a pillow to sit on and a personal masseuse!

Morningglory's picture

I have a pillow... it's not

I have a pillow... it's not helping. But a personal masseuse would be GREAT! God, I need some exercise! I keep trying the stand up approach. That's not working too well either. I think I just need to find a way to have my brain write the words without having to use pen or keypad. 

Copyright © morningglory

Morningglory's picture

Oops! I forgot who I was for

Oops! I forgot who I was for a minute... LOL Impy and I have a problem! We don't know who we are anymore. Damnit! We're all sorts of mixed up.

Copyright © morningglory