

Mountains and valleys 

Holding chill and sweat. 

Deserts and oases 

Lacking and flooding life. 

Nightmares and dreamscapes 

Of terror and wonder. 


Up then down

And up again. 

Pillaged and 

Plundering yet. 


And salty still. 


Ups and downs,

Backs and forths,

Joys and pains,

Peaks and troughs. 



And wavelengths 

Not only of 

Life and death, 

But of here 

And after,

Before here,

And hereafter.

Sines of life. 

View sky's Full Portfolio
allets's picture


Of life" - clever. 



Sky's picture


wordplay is fun! 

We'll just keep writing 'til there's nothing left to write.

We'll just keep waiting 'til they read all our works left to right.