The Face

Tales and Fables

The saddest eyes in a world of gray

Full of hurt, and the weakest strength

Windows to a tortured brain

Courting madness to look sane


I see the darkness around your face

That you try to hide away

You've lost the will to live again

Subject to recurring pain


The wrinkles flow around your features

Like roiled and cracked imprints of creatures

Growing old while in your prime

Extenuate the charm of time


The mouth is small and bares it's teeth

Silent when it ought to speak

Chewing when it ought to stay

Cursing the good days away


Stepping back

Now I see

It's simply a mirror

Reflecting me...

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S74rw4rd157's picture

Great reading experience, and

Great reading experience, and I did not see the conclusion coming at me!

Starwardist [fka Starward]

Seraphim's picture


Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.


Post Tenebras Spero Lucem