Who hit replay
Shut it off
No not today
Life can be rough
Enough is enough
The past is passed
so why must it last
This loop in my head
I constantly dread
Who hit replay
Shut it off
No not today
Life can be rough
Enough is enough
PTSD is not for me
PTSD must cease to be
Got to get it out of my head
These thoughts that I have come to dread
keep playing over inside my head
Who hit replay
Shut it off
No not today
Life can be rough
Enough is enough
I have suffered PTSD as a war
I have suffered PTSD as a war vet
Focus on the breath daily formally for an hour day in the mourning and in the late afternoon or everning The mind will come and go and as your concentration deepens your mind; the sorce of constriction fear anzierty will quiet The challange is to remind your self to do this often Focusing on the breath as opposeed to thoughts and feelings is profoundly healing DO IT for days weeks months years it will heal and heal and heal like an endless salve