Zebra Black

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

My poems remain explorations of the subconscious erotic.
If I where a film maker or a novelist you would see me telling a story; however I admit to my paraphilias, the source of what prompts me to write.
Some of these poems are lunar anamorphic streams of consciousness from the deep chaotic subterranean glitz of transgressive impulses we all share.
Read them if you dare...You might find that part of yourself that you don't want you to know about.

What I look for in poems are distinguished by their sonic and semantic flexibility and range. They take on important subjects—racism, domestic, political and natural disasters, mortality and time, the contingencies of love, the vulnerabilities of flesh ("the soft parts of us...the first thing we give away,")—in language that feels both improvised and exquisitely controlled, highly cadenced even when it looks like prose. Their tone is nothing if not companionable, good humored, fiercely clear sighted, full of passion and heart wrenching wisdom. From poem to poem, and even sometimes within the same poem, they shift from mode to mode, descriptively precise and essayistic, realistic and surreal, conversational and song-like. Simplicity of means, complexity of effect–that's how I'd characterize the marvelous achievement of great poems .

slash, boy girl, romance, grind house, , , fanfiction, angst, horror, death, murder, fantasy, race play, femdom sadism, vampires, succubies, fuckubies, incubies, ladies of the night, vampires, witches ,lesbian, school, fanfic, hate, lgbt, music, sad, adventure, anime, cut, emo, harry, humor, hurt, lgbtq, magic, mental, anorexia, l, blood, girl on girl on boy on orgy spank me daddy burn, cute, dark, drama, , fan fiction, pom pom butt dance, femslash, fiction, fluff, snuff fun love, toilet slave, a hundred paraphilias, and fucked up fairy tales
Because you're worth it

"Poetry leads to the same place as all forms of eroticism
to the blending and fusion of separate objects.
It leads us to death, and through death to continuity.
Poetry is eternity; the sun matched with the sea."


Member for
5 years 33 weeks