Prayer Said In Vain

God help me

I can't stop crying

God help me

I think I'm dying

God help me

Be rid of this strife

God help me

I want to feel life

God help me

I don't want to hurt

God help me

Wash away this dirt

God help me

Take away this pain

God help me

I think I'm insane

God help me

Show me some relief

God help me

Give me some belief

God help me

Free me of this dread

God help me

Before I am dead

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sometimes I guess we all pray for things we know the answer for can only come from ourselves.  One day I hope to find them.

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Kaelen Charn's picture

I love your poem but i think it needs to have a sincere heart. It lacks servitude to the the intended hearer. A much more deeper, spiritual cry follows. Don't stop knocking cause you don't know who is gonna answer it.

A prayer taught in humility

God help her
Make her stop crying
God help her
She thinks she’s dying
God help her
please rid of her strife
God help her
make her feel life
God help her
not to ever want to hurt
God help her
Cleanse her of this dirt
God help her
with her alleged strong pain
God help her
she thinks she’s insane
God help her
Show her some relief
God help her
You to be her belief
God help her
Hell not be her dread
God help her
to be –u---m before dead

Tha Poetic Son's picture

I enjoyed this poem. I think you posed questions or conveyted feelings that we all go through from time to time. And though our questions aren't always answered, or should I say, not in the form that we want. Should we stop asking?

Just thought I'D leave that point to ponder, as someone once did me.

Peace and Blessings

Gunther Herzog's picture

I couldn't help myself; I just had to write a comment for this one. I know so many people that have a faith in God, or at least some Higher Intelligence out there, but are always wondering if their prayers will be answered. Or if anybody is even listening. And I just have to say, that starting very recently (a little over three years ago) something changed inside me, and my prayers started getting answered. As in, the very same day. As in, over and over again, to the point where I really can't even call it "faith" anymore. There's just too much evidence. And I began wondering, what is it in my life that's different? Why aren't EVERYONE'S prayers being answered? What changed? Well, I think I have at least part of the answer, but people aren't really going to like it. You have to GIVE UP. Put your problems before God but really, really give it up to him. As in, stop trying yourself. Ever heard the expression "God helps those who help themselves". Well I'm here to tell you that is total B.S. You won't find that anywhere in the Bible, either. When I gave up (in prayer) any hope of a good relationship and put it all on God's shoulders, I found my wife. No, that's wrong. SHE found ME. The same day. When I gave up the hope of ever having a decent good-paying job, my soon-to-be employer found ME. Again, the same day I prayed. So to wrap up this not-to-brief comment, I think what matters is the state of mind when you pray. Are you really, REALLY prepared to let God handle it for you? Can you let it go? When you can do that you will definitely get an answer. At least, I did. I hope this will help anyone who has managed to read this far :)