Dark Days

Just a thought!

D-Day has dawned when the dead are dying

Delving deeply in the depths of disaster

Deposed and denied from diligent delusions

Deceptive dissertation has deemed their demise.

Due a desperate departure from decades of deceit

Drowning in disease and disclosure

Doomed days are done, departing in death...

Dead and dammed to desolate decay.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

How Dark is Dat?Tongue Out

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leegalpoet@gmail.co's picture

Dark Days

I love the title.

My favorite lines are;


"D-Day has dawned when the dead are dying

Delving deeply in the depths of diaster

Deposed and denied from diligant delusions..."

Your poem is very rich and deep.

I like the hormonization of the rhythm and patter with "D-Day."

I aloso like the deep, slow tone of your very touching work.

Keep writing!

Leegal Poet

MilMan's picture

Dark Days

Now those are truely dark days, Very nice write, Very well put together: MilMan.