
Bear Anderson

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Restoring & racing old cars, writing poems, play piano.

Love old cars, .
Don't take life too serious. Life is Hotrodding..The rest is just Details!
2013 Well. I'm sporting a pacemaker now, so I take life just a little bit slower. Mostly I spend the day painting art.
I am and always will be..."Deepinyourdreams"

About My Navel

a nice,perfectly round vortex
with the letter y stamped in the middle and a small parcel of hair cushions the entryway.All in all, A nice little dust collector!

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

''Thanks for stoppin,Thanks for shoppin!''


Member for
18 years 46 weeks