Viewing BloodShotLies's Portfolio

Title Type Folder Comments Views Posted
1 Surrender Poem 209 3 years ago
2 War It Is Poem politically based stuff etc etc 1 240 4 years ago
3 Villains Poem politically based stuff etc etc 241 4 years ago
4 Reciprocate Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 201 4 years ago
5 Lethargy Poem politically based stuff etc etc 221 4 years ago
6 Feed to the Hounds Poem "Death is Your Patient Anxiety" 158 4 years ago
7 Caste Warfare Poem 197 5 years ago
8 Hegemony Poem 2 183 5 years ago
9 Cold War Poem Fertile For Breeding Idiocy 270 5 years ago
10 Disaffection Poem other stuff 268 5 years ago
11 Carved Poem other stuff 253 5 years ago
12 Sepsis Poem Fertile For Breeding Idiocy 1 268 5 years ago
13 Distribute Excesses By Cleaving The Successes Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 273 5 years ago
14 Cocacolonization Poem Fertile For Breeding Idiocy 1 320 5 years ago
15 Media Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 198 5 years ago
16 Pawns Poem politically based stuff etc etc 266 5 years ago
17 Warhawks Poem politically based stuff etc etc 2 271 6 years ago
18 SLOP Poem politically based stuff etc etc 294 6 years ago
19 Enough Poem politically based stuff etc etc 293 6 years ago
20 Useless Things Poem 208 6 years ago
21 Filth Pig Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 214 6 years ago
22 (Misanthrope) RUBICON Poem politically based stuff etc etc 1 201 6 years ago
23 Herd Poem Fertile For Breeding Idiocy 322 7 years ago
24 SWaG & THe TRiP DoWN THe RaBBiT'S SHiTHoLe Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 392 8 years ago
25 THe NaRCiSSiSTiC SeLFie NaTioN Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 332 8 years ago
26 MeaNiNGLeSS CyCLe Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 303 8 years ago
27 ReSTRaiNeD (the Promise) Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 452 8 years ago
28 Wellspring Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 364 8 years ago
29 Pendulum Poem politically based stuff etc etc 296 9 years ago
30 Behind the Curtain Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 574 9 years ago
31 Condition : Rotting on the Vine Poem "Death is Your Patient Anxiety" 1 288 9 years ago
32 Condition : Becoming the Grotesque Monsters Poem "Death is Your Patient Anxiety" 284 9 years ago
33 Condition : To the Grave Poem "Death is Your Patient Anxiety" 257 9 years ago
34 Sleepwalking Poem other stuff 2 271 9 years ago
35 PaRiaH Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 338 10 years ago
36 Hollow Skin Suit Poem other stuff 298 10 years ago
37 CaLaMiTy Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 291 11 years ago
38 Prey Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 284 11 years ago
39 In Possession Poem other stuff 2 309 11 years ago
40 Pantheon Poem other stuff 374 11 years ago
41 Anger Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 2 304 11 years ago
42 The Drowned Poem politically based stuff etc etc 293 11 years ago
43 Stadium Idols Poem politically based stuff etc etc 2 290 11 years ago
44 iNDoCTRiNaTioN Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 302 11 years ago
45 Reaching Terminal Velocity Within the Downward Spiral Poem politically based stuff etc etc 412 11 years ago
46 The Dead, As Yet to Die Poem other stuff 3 324 11 years ago
47 FaLL IN LiNe Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 1 335 11 years ago
48 EXPiRaTion DaTe Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 270 11 years ago
49 Posturing Poem other stuff 1 311 11 years ago
50 Traitors Poem politically based stuff etc etc 356 12 years ago
51 Resurrection (part I) Poem Fertile For Breeding Idiocy 1 321 12 years ago
52 Haywire (Fabricated Enemies) Poem politically based stuff etc etc 316 12 years ago
53 WarProf(phe)it Poem politically based stuff etc etc 304 12 years ago
54 BaSHiNG YouR HeaD AGaiNST A PiLLoW FiLLeD WiTH RaZoRS Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 1 469 12 years ago
55 Want You Gone Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 460 12 years ago
56 Nightmare Poem Fertile For Breeding Idiocy 1 341 12 years ago
57 Condition : Decay Poem "Death is Your Patient Anxiety" 339 12 years ago
58 It Was My Privalge... Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 358 12 years ago
59 Toxic Melody Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 2 311 12 years ago
60 Totalitarian Campaign Poem politically based stuff etc etc 338 12 years ago
61 Casualty Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 1 444 13 years ago
62 Infection Poem Fertile For Breeding Idiocy 356 13 years ago
63 Skin Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 2 450 13 years ago
64 Foreskin Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 460 13 years ago
65 Communication Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 446 13 years ago
66 TuNiNG OuT Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 5 619 13 years ago
67 the UGLY Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 451 13 years ago
68 Black Bagged Poem politically based stuff etc etc 3 518 13 years ago
69 Persecution Complex Poem politically based stuff etc etc 505 13 years ago
70 Obedience Poem politically based stuff etc etc 1 498 13 years ago
71 Obscenity Poem politically based stuff etc etc 2 447 13 years ago
72 Glittering Generalities Poem politically based stuff etc etc 545 13 years ago
73 Murder Poem politically based stuff etc etc 461 13 years ago
74 Consumed Poem politically based stuff etc etc 2 327 13 years ago
75 Heart Attack Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 1 327 13 years ago
76 The Profiteers Poem Fertile For Breeding Idiocy 1 359 13 years ago
77 Dark Winter Poem "The Lunatic in the Desire" 302 17 years ago
78 BRaiN FooD Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 329 17 years ago
79 Retrograde Poem politically based stuff etc etc 1 317 17 years ago
80 Condition : Unbecoming Poem "Death is Your Patient Anxiety" 312 17 years ago
81 THe HuMaN CoNDiTioN? Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 331 17 years ago
82 ZoMBie Poem "The Narcissistic Selfie Nation" 340 17 years ago