Caste Warfare


corrosive news brought to you

by the makers of
the military contract arms
that grasp for more lives to sacrifice
the corporate lobby which farms
for more profits that will never suffice

an economic plan to destroy the middle man
buried with debt
starving to work, working and still starving
so they can make more bombs


corrosive news brought to you

by the pundits of

the blue and red suits who've

sold their oaths off to 

the corporate lobby which farms

for more profits that will never suffice

an economic plan to destroy the working man

shout, shout, SHOUT THEM DOWN!!!

spit in the face of your neighbor

divide and conquer


impoverish the wallet

impoverish the mind

and keep the boot firmly planted on the neck

impoverish the soul

impoverish the nation

and don't allow them a second for their thoughts to rest


keep fighting for the scraps

keep them fighting amongst themselves

create scapegoats to sell...




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