Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled Poem That Began For Me In A Dream, After Midnight June 8th, 2024 15 weeks ago
His excesses and failures gathered in the bored room to meet in executive session.  Loathe to be identified specifically, they blurred...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Pat’s finally off for wheel 15 weeks ago
K  K O  A K O  J A K O  J A K O F  J A K O F F  A J A K O F F  P A J A K O F F  P A T J A K O F F...
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Poem titled Rooted In 15 weeks ago
    rooted in cosmic time,     red vines entwined,        trapped in a temporal trailing neverm...
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catclo15's picture
catclo15 posted a new Poem titled It wasn't just the anxiety 15 weeks ago
It wasn't just the not eating It was the eating and the smoking  and the stress   It wasn't just the anxiety it was the sleeplessn...
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satishverma's picture
satishverma posted a new Poem titled A Criminal Choice 15 weeks ago
Inevitable was he bornmental. There was spiritual fever.You want to sit on the rock forever.The hawk was eagerto find the truth, sharpening...
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Poem titled Tiny Blue Butterflies 15 weeks ago
    tiny blue butterflies match their disguise  to pansy, periwinkle & petunia  one briefly lit on the sleeve of...
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Thana-Darwish's picture
Thana-Darwish posted a new Poem titled لا تحلف 15 weeks ago
  بإسمِ الحبّ لا تحلفْ يمينا بأنّك لن تخونَ ولن تبينا دعِ الأيامَ تثبتُ ما ادّعيتَ وتحني الهامَ إذ كنتَ الأمينا فقلبٌ قد تقلّبَ بعدَ ب...
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Thana-Darwish's picture
Thana-Darwish posted a new Poem titled من أنت؟ 15 weeks ago
  سأخلعُ كلّ أقنِعَتي وآتيكَ بلا لُغَتي مجازاتي استعاراتي وغُنجي عبرَ تَوْرِيَتي تراكَ سوفَ تعرفني من الأنفاسِ في رئتي من العينِ التي...
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Thana-Darwish's picture
Thana-Darwish posted a new Poem titled حلم 15 weeks ago
  وبي حلمٌ يضاهيني جمالاً كأنّهُ قد أتى من وادي عبقرْ يشاركني السريرَ كذا الطعامَ ويجعلُ في مضيقي الروحَ معبرْ ويحمل إن وهنتُ الهمّ عن...
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Thana-Darwish's picture
Thana-Darwish posted a new Poem titled دفاتر الغياب 15 weeks ago
  بعضُ الغيابِ يواعدُ ويماطلُ، ويقولُ إني عائدٌ، لا تقنطوا، خلّوا الرجاءَ كبيرقٍ أو شعلةٍ، سأعود حتماً لو أطلتُ، وقد علمتمْ خيرَ العب...
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Thana-Darwish's picture
Thana-Darwish posted a new Poem titled فجر الوصال 15 weeks ago
  كأني قبضُ حمى وارتعاشٍ وزادَ الكيّ فيها باختلاجي وليلٌ أسودُ الأعطافِ داجٍ تشفّى بابتعادي عن سراجي وليس لعلّتي طبٌّ يداوي ولا العطّ...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled Someone Might Call My Verses 15 weeks ago
Someone might call my verses "tripe." But that stateent is like the fruit of a poison tree--- rotten before it ever was really ripe, and mad...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled The Innjeeper Says He Will "Go After" 15 weeks ago
The Innkeeper says:  if elected, he will "go after" those he believes have "persecuted"him. The future he represents is dismal and dim;...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled BIRD SONG 15 weeks ago
  If we want our future t generations  to enjoy the birds as they sing their morning songs then we should be planting trees wherev...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled THE BIRDS 15 weeks ago
  In the mountains it’s our tradition to delay our morning walk so we can listen to the morning choir that begins promptly at six-o’clo...
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