Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

Thana-Darwish's picture
Thana-Darwish posted a new Poem titled يا لائمي 14 weeks ago
  هذا الجمالُ الفاغمُ متناغمٌ ومُسالمُ مِن أين يأتي فيضهُ ليتَ المتيّمَ يعلمُ يحنو عليّ بنظرةٍ فإذا العيونُ مراهمُ وبلمسةٍ من كفّهِ...
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beccaloni's picture
beccaloni posted a new Poem titled Cunning 14 weeks ago
Embroider maker, Eccentric patterns. Repeating. Yin Yang. Never the same, Trickster. Restless  Soo restless. Skillful, Cunning Embroide...
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Prose titled Scene 5476 14 weeks ago
    Under Construction... anybody seen a case of dynamite... anybody seen a case of lighters...    
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Savvart's picture
Savvart posted a new Poem titled Inner Strength 14 weeks ago
In the heart's quiet chambers lies, A force unseen by worldly eyes, An ember burning deep and bright, Guiding souls through darkest night....
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Prose titled Casting - Day 229 14 weeks ago
    She arrived at the gate looking, for all intents & purposes, quite the part, clad in mangy furs, skull garland around her...
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LittleLennonGurl's picture
LittleLennonGurl posted a new Poem titled The Virus And The Cure 14 weeks ago
Verse 1Both the virusAnd the cureWelcome to mankind The plagueOf Mother Earth Society living scaredUn prepared  For the consequencesOf...
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randyjohnson's picture
randyjohnson posted a new Poem titled God Will Never Forsake Us 14 weeks ago
God is there for us and he'll never foresake us. He will be there until the days that he takes us. He'll continue to be there for us when we...
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Prose titled and another thing... 14 weeks ago
    ... I for 1 (and I do mean all of us) am not impressed by your weird (creepy) convention of dialoguing in a nonsensical langua...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled Quatrain About "Comrade Lenin," Late Of The Now Defunct (Failed) Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics 14 weeks ago
". . . partiya Lenina . . ." ---Anthem Of The Soviet Union In Hell, "Comrade" Lenin, once loud in boastful speechmaking, is reduced, by tor...
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Prose titled she don't wanna talk to you ese... 14 weeks ago
    no She doesn't want to speak to you... no She already holds the deed on The Taj Mahal... one moment... (muffled voices, strain...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled As That Devil, Lenin, Roasts In Hell 14 weeks ago
As that Devil, "Comrade" Lenin, roasts in Hell, where even the slightest of incandescent sparks torments and tortures:  his screams can...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled Yet [*/+/^] : Zealous To Anticipate That Fulness 14 weeks ago
. . . be filled with all the fulness of God . . . ---Ephesians 3:19 To be immersed in Jesus' holy presence has been my quest since early ad...
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Thana-Darwish's picture
Thana-Darwish posted a new Poem titled قلبٌ ويذوب 14 weeks ago
  إن كان قلبُكَ شمعةً يا مُتلفي أنا قلبي وقدٌ والدموعُ شَبوبُ ما كان ظنّي إن بعدتُ سأكتوي أين الفرارُ.. كيف يجدي هروبُ حتّام يلهو بين...
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Thana-Darwish's picture
Thana-Darwish posted a new Poem titled لوحة عشق 14 weeks ago
  بأتونِ اللونِ المجنونِ العذبِ التّرياقِ المترقرقْ ينغمسُ جناحي والريشُ يرسمُكَ بمداكَ المطلقْ تتجلّى اللوحةُ من عالٍ أنبلُ أبهى أسمى...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled WILDFLOWERS-TOM PETTY 14 weeks ago
  For today’s blessing…to find some words uplifting I will take a break and let Tom Petty do the heavy lifting:   You belong among...
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