Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled I Encircled Sit 22 years ago
I, encircled sit knees to chest head downturned eyes closed lips tightly clinched Screaming unheard hands clasped drawing legs tight Wishing...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled Time And Tide 22 years ago
I find my ship aground upon the flat And those who live here are now making noise As if a great distaste was being spat To put it nicely by...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled My Rant 22 years ago
Hey poets your overuse of expletives Is mere abuse of adjectives And shows no mental exercise To convince me that your words are wise. Thos...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled Untitled 22 years ago
I set the waist of my guitar softly On my knee and caress the frets with the Waste of my thoughts.  How mournful is the sound As i...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Cross Of Light 22 years ago
CROSS OF LIGHT When 2 planks of wood intersect at right angles a cross is formed. When 2 rivers squared .. merge there is greater flow. Whe...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled 41 International, National, State And Local Priorities 22 years ago
  Each has his or her own list of priorities. Here is one such1. Feed vegan food to tens of millions who are hungry Provide them shelte...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Retrain Refrain 22 years ago
REFRAIN As soothing as the sound of gently falling rain The beautiful mantra The sweet refrain of wheels on tracks as the world retrains...
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blumentopf's picture
blumentopf posted a new Poem titled Tears and Pyres 22 years ago
Tears and Pyres In Honor of the Earthquake victims of Gujarat Smoke from funeral pyres darkens skies Of Gujarat, whose earthquake victim...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Sanctuary For Foxes 22 years ago
Yesterday a little fox escaping the ridiculously garbed    participating in mob violence ran into a Virginia courthouse.  ...
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hhickson's picture
hhickson posted a new Poem titled Her 22 years ago
Her image floats across the windows of my mind Softly as a whisper, caressing my psyche like a feather. Times like these, concentration is h...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled As I Sit And Look Around Me 22 years ago
As I sit and look around me It amazes and astounds me All the wonders and the blunders of it all As I watch and as I listen I try to catch w...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled A Sonnet For My Sons 22 years ago
Son the portal's open for you to go To what the barker beckons is the truth Tho is it now for you to surely know That all he says is thus wh...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled A Song In The Key Of See 22 years ago
Moderato Tears are raindrops from the soul Poured forth to increase the whole That stands looking from above As the heart is torn by love....
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aziz's picture
aziz posted a new Poem titled T'AIMER ! 22 years ago
  L'amour que j'ai pour toi   Est plus fort que tu le crois   Et si tu demande de le décrire   Je do...
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aziz's picture
aziz posted a new Poem titled LE PREMIER PAT 22 years ago
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