As I Sit And Look Around Me

As I sit and look around me

It amazes and astounds me

All the wonders and the blunders of it all

As I watch and as I listen

I try to catch what I am missing

And I know that as I go I will recall

All the things that I have seen

And the places I have been

As the repeating of the beating starts to stall.

And as the mind does start the sleep

Within the darkness very deep

I may ask of this great task what was it all?

But in my years two score and ten

I do just now begin

To fight with all my might this mental brawl

Of from where it was I came

And to what end my name

As I’ve traveled near unraveled down the hall.

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onelilartist's picture

Michael, I don't know how I missed this one before today. My computer crashed a few weeks ago and I was only posting from school for a while. It's back up sort of, but I have a new email you might want to note. Anyway, back to your poem. This is really well metered. It reminds me of Poe and the fluid rhythm of his work. I have also felt and been in the places you speak of. I stay unraveled these days and listen hard to even get a glimpse of what is going on around me. LOL It isn't really funny is it? Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I like the way things used to be and the societal boundaries that kept people from openly hurting others the way they do now. This poem is a jewel.

Melissa Rives's picture

This seems very reflective. Taking time to pause and ponder the years you have been on this earth. It's always good to stop... and take stock of gain a better understanding of our own purpose. Wonderful writing, once again!