Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled God Bless America 22 years ago
God Bless America Bush would be republiking McCain die nasty his slogan - feel our campain mean - while back at the Goranch we watch and a...
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canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled Gary Condit's Nursery Rhyme 22 years ago
Gary, Gary, quite contrary How does your office flow? With bobs and weaves and technicalities And missing girls all in a row © Bart Breen 8...
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canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled Fruit Stand 22 years ago
Fruit Stand A red barn set back from any road, fronted by asphalt, a rude black scar littered by cars. I walk quietly past stalls, obscene...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled If I Could Make It Plain 22 years ago
If I could make it plain to all who wonder at my deeds, I'd stress the pain, the loneliness and searing daily need. There is no mystery in m...
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canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled Five Stars 22 years ago
Five Stars fine wine full and fragrant cleanses the palate - sheds our skin as we untangle our skein with shrimp dispensed of shell pl...
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canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled Chemistry 22 years ago
Chemistry Jasmine Kowalski drifts from the lair that she wears that has sheltered her life. She’s nobody’s wife. Knitting her eyebrows, h...
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canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled Final Word 22 years ago
Final Word shell shed family gathers friends arrive Conversation solemnity descends service begins casket closes He never liked funerals...
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canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled Fast Food 22 years ago
Fast Food I faxed my order To avoid this wait But here I stand The girl seemed Oh, so apologetic; She said as much Worse yet I find No ne...
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canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled Drop in No Bucket 22 years ago
Drop in no Bucket We watch water pool within the spout Handle quivers reminiscent of a hand recently gone Until pond transforms to drop whi...
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canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled Lupine Dreams 22 years ago
LUPINE DREAMS ……….In dreams it seems .I’ve often run ……….With wolves; Capering to …………….. a quiet stream ………………….complete with ………………refl...
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canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled Did You Hear? 22 years ago
Did you hear …… Prattling tongues have often wagged and spread this type of sordid thing.  Their speculation rife with innuendo....
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meso's picture
meso posted a new Poem titled Words, words 22 years ago
Words, words homeless words fluttering from page to page mouth to mouth loud like the town cryer`s gong. Sharp words like a double-edged sw...
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meso's picture
meso posted a new Poem titled Each soul, two hemispheres 22 years ago
Do not mistake that my blackness or his whiteness creates a deviding line. But each soul, my brother has two hemispheres.
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meso's picture
meso posted a new Poem titled Devine Light 22 years ago
You're like light in the whole world so said Jesus. Do not put your lamp under the bowl it soon dies of suffocation. Be my role model for i...
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meso's picture
meso posted a new Poem titled My Longing 22 years ago
I long for love in this my land of hostile men Walking in my path upon untired feet I burrow into the hard crust of souls Sweat on my brow,...
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