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TREXPATTON's picture
TREXPATTON posted a new Poem titled DAMN ! 22 years ago
You are VERY hard to      forget,             yet I KNOW th...
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blumentopf's picture
blumentopf posted a new Poem titled To My Mother 22 years ago
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blumentopf's picture
blumentopf posted a new Poem titled I felt a Chill 22 years ago
One sultry night she lectured on TV She was, she said, from the Moral Majority; Well-versed in Scriptures, cognizant of archives, Well-re...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Your Voice 22 years ago
My eyes still itched with sleep When the phone jingled from the other room. I rushed to snatch it up. Surely such an early call meant only d...
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kiwi's picture
kiwi posted a new Poem titled NIGHT LAGOON. 22 years ago
The full face of the golden moon Lay drowning in the quiet lagoon Festooned with lights, a gay decor, Stolen from the furthermost shore. Duc...
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kiwi's picture
kiwi posted a new Poem titled ON THE SCRAPHEAP. 22 years ago
Here they lie, abandoned, rusted, Who for years were prised and trusted, When dignified, sleek and proud They purred the highways, singing l...
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gemboy's picture
gemboy posted a new Poem titled 993 bottles on the wall 22 years ago
i've decided there should be at least 1,000 poems about your smile because to me it is like frozen water vapor to the eskimo it is the dus...
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hushbaby's picture
hushbaby posted a new Poem titled Creep 22 years ago
sideways it forms slowly, but surely begins to creep slides down the bridge slow slow slow changes direction drops to the dark
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TREXPATTON's picture
TREXPATTON posted a new Poem titled He Never Calls Me "Sweetheart" 22 years ago
He never calls me “Sweetheart”; He always just says my name. He says it’s comforting to hear. He says that it sort of transports him. He ne...
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taleteller's picture
taleteller posted a new Poem titled One Last Visit 22 years ago
By Richard Haesche Come a little closer, love, Yes, stand there in the light. Oh, it's very good to see you When I thought I never might...
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taleteller's picture
taleteller posted a new Poem titled The Little Green Martians 22 years ago
By Richard P. Haesche Two little Martians out looking for kicks in their cute flying saucers with their green-eyed chicks They were bored...
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taleteller's picture
taleteller posted a new Poem titled Emptiness! 22 years ago
By Richard Haesche A man without a friend can't be alive. Without a single friend will he survive? What deep disturbance leaves him so a...
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taleteller's picture
taleteller posted a new Poem titled A Fella Needs A Friend 22 years ago
By Richard Haesche Everybody needs a friend, a special kinda guy, one on whom you can depend when trouble happens by. Everybody needs a...
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taleteller's picture
taleteller posted a new Poem titled My Wish For You, Dear Wife 22 years ago
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tweety_32's picture
tweety_32 posted a new Poem titled Friendship.... 22 years ago
In a dream you came.....Upon a white horse you rode Your long black hair blowing in the wind.......your smile seemed to never end Two stra...
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