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tiong_chung_hoo's picture
tiong_chung_hoo posted a new Poem titled MALAYSIAN HAIKU MARCH 11, 2003 21 years ago
world's largest cave mulu in sarawak lincoln playing guard at mulu is a huge rock formation that looks exactly like the facade of Linco...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Eve Of Shiva 21 years ago
Eve's sunslip is shed and her violet cape is thrown even oer the sky. Star jewels tiptoe unshod onto her purple brocade. Birds are wingshelt...
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starlite's picture
starlite posted a new Poem titled Dedication, Patience, Hope, and Love 21 years ago
how can I live without you? I wish I could beg you to stay but it is not my place every breath I give folds around you Inside I suffer when...
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TREXPATTON's picture
TREXPATTON posted a new Poem titled 34. Sonnet Constant Love. on "Sonnets From The Portuguese" 21 years ago
SONNET:"Question" What's the matter, Sweet? Why do you ask Faithfulness whether it's guile-less? And why do you so entreat of Virtue "Are y...
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TREXPATTON's picture
TREXPATTON posted a new Poem titled 97. on EBB. Sonnet Inevitability of Truest Love. On: Sonnets From The Portuguese" 21 years ago
Love seeks no glory---or, perhaps goes seeking only meagre glories of Love's consumate schemes of the possible : Its fond hopes, fonder drea...
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beiyin's picture
beiyin posted a new Poem titled The Image of Spirituality 21 years ago
Saved pictures, complete identification: Being in harmony, being One, being Whole no separation, no judgment, no doubts nearly everythin...
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beiyin's picture
beiyin posted a new Poem titled All under One Sun 21 years ago
All under One Sun frenetic demand for more - endless extention. Individuals blown up   needing outside mirrors. Scape goats...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Haiku Attempt: Scrooge McDuck 21 years ago
Scrooge McDuck is restrained from diving into his coin filled pool by servants who tell him it is empty. ************** (The ABC boycott co...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled William Warfield: Old Man River 21 years ago
William Warfield.. your voice vibrates with the suffering of centuries.. one song.. in one movie.. was all that was necessary .. to establi...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Robert Urich 21 years ago
Tears unsummoned slipped down the bony cheeks of many of those whose hearts you lifted.. when they heard you had slipped out of earth's cage...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Richard Crenna 21 years ago
Richard Crenna.. who slipped the moorings of his body this year.. and headed home to God.. we who are in illusion miss your sweet spirit .....
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Saro-Wiwa, murdered by Shell 21 years ago
Saro-Wiwa, we ask God in the name of your spirit to destroy the oil industries which are promoting war. The Shell Oil and BP and Exxon-Mobil...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Johns Hopkins: Bastille For Animals 21 years ago
Johns Hopkins.. dominating Maryland government illegally .. a bastille for imprisoned animals.. .. whore of the pharmaceuticals.. .. funded...
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled International Boycott of American Goods 21 years ago
Billions of people around the world are boycotting American goods.. because of the Bush junta's planned violence toward the people of Iraq.....
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truths's picture
truths posted a new Poem titled Norman Schwarzkopf 21 years ago
Norman Schwarzkopf, given an award from the Safari Club, professional killers of endangered species animals, for having slaughtered 300 KIND...
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