Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

profrksingh's picture
profrksingh posted a new Poem titled SILENCE 21 years ago
I. I clasp your hands and feel the blood running savagely through your arteries in tulip silence II. Is it the perfume or your body that...
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hamsa's picture
hamsa posted a new Poem titled بسم الله 21 years ago
الباءُ بَدْءٌ واحدٌ صَمَدُ .... أحسنتَ خَلقى فيا لبديع تكوينى وعندَ السِّينِ ايمانٌ هو السَّدُ...يسدُ بينى وبين نارٍ سوف تكوينى ويالِلْم...
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journey_through_life's picture
journey_through_life posted a new Poem titled HOPE 21 years ago
Hope..the verb The undaunted search For attainment Hope..the noun A secure presumption That our desires Will be realized Hope..the...
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journey_through_life's picture
journey_through_life posted a new Poem titled DEATH 21 years ago
Fear not death It is not the enemy Dread not death It is part of life Seek not death It is not our decision But embrace it when...
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hamsa's picture
hamsa posted a new Poem titled عيون 21 years ago
دقت عيون على باب قلبى..  ودخلت أذابت جميع السدود وكنت ظننت بأنى وضعت .. على حد قلبى مئات الحدود وكنت أظن بأن المحبة ..  ...
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hamsa's picture
hamsa posted a new Poem titled هاانذا ألقاك 21 years ago
لطالما عاندني قلبي .. ووضع على بابه الأشواك لطالما عاندي وقال  ..   إياك و الحب و إياك فليس هناك حبيب بحق .. وما هو إلا...
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hamsa's picture
hamsa posted a new Poem titled الحلم 21 years ago
هل ياترى سألقاك يوما.. وتأتى لتؤنس قلبى الوحيد أراك كثيرا كلمح الخيال  ..  يطل علي كطيف بعيد فأرنو اليه بكل اشتياق..لعلى...
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justjeanne's picture
justjeanne posted a new Poem titled Friends 21 years ago
Friends come and go Some come into our lives forever Some for just a short time Some leave a footprint in your heart Some you wont remember...
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tiong_chung_hoo's picture
tiong_chung_hoo posted a new Poem titled TCHOO'S PRECIOUS HAIKU MARCH 13, 2003 21 years ago
full stop? the tap drips, my heart beats and the clock ticks...
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tiong_chung_hoo's picture
tiong_chung_hoo posted a new Poem titled MALAYSIAN HAIKU MARCH 13, 2003 21 years ago
Malaysia, centre to fight Islamic terrorists Saving the world for all
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dolphin's picture
dolphin posted a new Poem titled What it's like to have ADD 21 years ago
     I sit in the classroom, looking at the white sheet of paper in front of me.  Oh yeah.  There ar...
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dolphin's picture
dolphin posted a new Poem titled Waif 21 years ago
The girl stared out the subway window and watched the black nothingness go by.  She hunched down in her seat at the far end of the...
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poeticdevastation's picture
poeticdevastation posted a new Poem titled I miss you Chris 21 years ago
Chris, You angel where did you fly to I feel your soul breathing against my skin I miss those jokes, Your teases... All I know is.. anymore...
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Joel's picture
Joel posted a new Poem titled '03 A Sharp Object 21 years ago
!cuts! itcuts itcutsit itcutsit itcutsit itcutsit itcutsit itcutsit itcutsit itcutsit itcutsitcutsitcuts itcutsitcutsitcuts itcutsitcutsit i...
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Joel's picture
Joel posted a new Poem titled '03 *Warhead* 21 years ago
Bring in the medicine! I think it's gonna blow! maybe a bottle of gin... headache is sure to go... djr
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