Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled Before I Knew You, I Had Always Loved You 21 years ago
Before I knew you, I had always loved you, Even as I dreamed of whom I'd love. My inner picture was a portrait of you Years before your hear...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled Be My Valentine: What Does That Mean? 21 years ago
Be my Valentine: What does that mean? Each of us must walk through life alone, More deeply desolate than we have known, Yearning for a truth...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled David2 21 years ago
David is a person much belovéd: A sweet and gentle spirit, inward bound. Viewing David's agonies uncovered, Immolations fifty years have smo...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled David 21 years ago
David is a glassy mountain stream, A mirror of the beauty of the earth. Very still above, much like a dream, In dark green depths fierce cur...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled To Be Happy, One Must Know the Rules 21 years ago
To be happy, one must know the rules. We are the gods against whom we rebel. Even universes have their needs, Nor can a moon escape the laws...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled There Are Walls Beyond Satisfaction 21 years ago
There are walls beyond satisfaction, Worlds in which pain is a credit card. Ecstasy is the enemy of happiness, Nor can we let go of what we...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled The Face Is a Mask over a Mirror 21 years ago
The face is a mask over a mirror. What are we looking for? What seeking? Each of us twists like a haunted river, Nor do we linger over anoth...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled Shadow Is the Haunt of Beauty 21 years ago
Shadow is the haunt of beauty. Ecstasy closes the eyes. The light illumines only a disguise; Halfway out the door is truth. Listening does...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled Patience Is a Sign of Inner Peace 21 years ago
Patience is a sign of inner peace, Acceptance of the gift of life and death. Though time may toll the passing of each breath, In time one ta...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled Happiness Is Neither Here nor There 21 years ago
Happiness is neither here nor there. All we have and are is like the snow. Pain and pleasure tend to come and go. Paradise is with us everyw...
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connie's picture
connie posted a new Poem titled Beyond the Many Mouths 21 years ago
Beyond the many mouths Of the imagination, Or dreams, Which give us words, Is numbness Like a wind Through icy branches, Or the dead center...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] هل ستفهمي انت ؟ 21 years ago
منذ بدايه مسيرتي فهمت   ولكن بعض الفضول لمعرفه ما يدور حولي وجذب شديد يعيدني الى حيث نقطه البدء ( الى مسقط راسي وحيث ولادتي...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] ساعه جمعتنا بالهنا 21 years ago
منهو نسى ذيك الليالي المونسه ولا طريق القلب في  ساعه مغيب نترقب الساعه تمر نمشى سوى تحت القمر مره ومرة بالظلام نهامسه...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] محور وكوكب سيار 21 years ago
بكل حب تبقى الشموس محور لكوكب سيار رايات حب علقت في خاصرتي لم اهجيها لعبة الانكسار ويقينى انها هنا وهناك تسبقنى الى لساني كي تبداء الع...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] مرافــئ 21 years ago
نعـم الجـواب لمعلـم كيـف مـا    بــدى لـك مسمعـي و الـلـب كـيـف   يمـيـل إنـي رايتـك صـادقـا بـيـن ...
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