Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

word_man's picture
word_man posted a new Poem titled Winds Of Time 20 years ago
          The winds of time blowing gently through my mind telling me things long forgot that I had placed dee...
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lilone_is_on_fire2005's picture
lilone_is_on_fi... posted a new Poem titled 911 20 years ago
The hole world is crying out why? as we watched those planes leave the sky, No one knew what they were about to encounter, But it was noth...
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lilone_is_on_fire2005's picture
lilone_is_on_fi... posted a new Poem titled I will remember 20 years ago
i remember you  in all my dreams, when dark of night takes hold, for you will keep me from the cold, ill remember you throughout...
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choirgrrl's picture
choirgrrl posted a new Poem titled Saviour 20 years ago
i just buried my saviour didn't have use for him anymore i just buried my saviour underneath my kitchen floor i thought he was dead when i c...
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choirgrrl's picture
choirgrrl posted a new Poem titled Jenna 20 years ago
she closes her eyes and i try to read her soul, but she is not an open book she is missing pages sentences and is re-writing her life with a...
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choirgrrl's picture
choirgrrl posted a new Poem titled Little Things 20 years ago
Little Denial Little Regret Little Things You would rather Forget. Little Lies Little Breathe Little Things You swear you Need. Sugar Sweetn...
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choirgrrl's picture
choirgrrl posted a new Poem titled The Rose 20 years ago
The once red rose is now withered and gray, Most petals fallen on the kitchen floor. The once fragile bud isn't anymore. A beautiful flower,...
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ladydp2000's picture
ladydp2000 posted a new Poem titled THE FEED 20 years ago
(A VILLANELLE POEM) (From Lestat, my vampire chronicles poems) Silently the night again  by me creeps in... Evoking all these...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Austin--Playing Outside 20 years ago
Playing Outside His idea of drama is Three Little Pigs. Catsup's his favorite food. No matter, whatever the...
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classicliz's picture
classicliz posted a new Poem titled 003 (7/12/03) Mixed Feelings 20 years ago
  Mixed Feelings by Elizabeth Van Cleve (July 12, 2003)   How does one sort it out Excitement mixed with pain Adventures lie ahead...
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candidglances's picture
candidglances posted a new Poem titled For A Friend 20 years ago
Who to turn to, my life's a mess growing misery, i must confess grip so tight, refuse to fall but to whom do I call? And suddenly I scream y...
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palewingedpoetess's picture
palewingedpoetess posted a new Poem titled SCENES AND NESTS OF LOVE (spiritual) 20 years ago
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palewingedpoetess's picture
palewingedpoetess posted a new Poem titled LOVE'S REDEDICATION 20 years ago
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palewingedpoetess's picture
palewingedpoetess posted a new Poem titled STEAPED IN CERTAINTY 20 years ago
one pride less breath another unguarded moment not with you such mastery of solemn self perception fences the few freedoms I allow m...
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palewingedpoetess's picture
palewingedpoetess posted a new Poem titled CAPTURED CANDLELIGHT 20 years ago
beneath the eye of a sleepless moon we fall in love two vagabond hearts in gradual rapturous beating engaging the soul our so await...
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