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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled Ciquian--PLAYFUL CAT 20 years ago
playing all by herself leaping here and there, not noticing the approaching dog; she meows
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled Tanka--ONE FULL UP DOG 20 years ago
Wagging his tale; the dog sits expediently by the porch, licking his muzzle still sodden with milk
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kat's picture
kat posted a new Poem titled ~The Five Fingers of Prayer~ 20 years ago
Items in this folder are things I have received or found online and wanted to keep and share.   They are not my writings, and in most cas...
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ese2002's picture
ese2002 posted a new Poem titled Struggle On 20 years ago
You think I don't see The bullshit yall be plannin Come with every thing you got And you will see I'm still standing Because I refuse def...
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cherry_blossom's picture
cherry_blossom posted a new Poem titled Fooled 20 years ago
I am a complete fool Thinking he loved me. What a stupid fool I am All I ever wanted was his affection Too much to ever hope for. No, wait.....
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Illusions(Mirror Nonnet) 20 years ago just a dellusion when we struggle to fabricate, facts from reality's lies, only, to determine its but a mirage, we s...
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laurmordre's picture
laurmordre posted a new Poem titled Spirit Love 20 years ago
none may see the scales beneath you the armor that runs along you [internalized] rage, like gunpowder, armed at the ready armed at the natur...
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laurmordre's picture
laurmordre posted a new Poem titled My Own Bloodflower 20 years ago
right now--as if i could feel you feeling as if--i am forgotten        too forgotten hear your voice inside my...
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unrulyspring's picture
unrulyspring posted a new Poem titled Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? (Sonnets XVIII) 20 years ago
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's...
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unrulyspring's picture
unrulyspring posted a new Poem titled Untitled (Plato) 20 years ago
Star of my life, to the stars your face is turned; Would I were the heavens, looking back at you with ten thousand eyes.   ...
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unrulyspring's picture
unrulyspring posted a new Poem titled Not In Vain 20 years ago
If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain: If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one faintin...
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12stepKat's picture
12stepKat posted a new Poem titled Love is a Bitch 20 years ago
That was the last thing i wanted to do, to fall in love with you. I know myself too well, I should go to hell. you are like an angel sen...
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unrulyspring's picture
unrulyspring posted a new Poem titled Candlesong 20 years ago
As my years burn down you put me to new use, place me upon the palm held up to you, that I may light a way for two: just so, in time, his li...
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cherry_blossom's picture
cherry_blossom posted a new Poem titled Torn 20 years ago
I am torn Broken between souls Pick one or the other But always one Will be hurt Shattered Are my dreams of happiness And self-satisfactio...
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lostwonder's picture
lostwonder posted a new Poem titled To My Death 20 years ago
Bring me in to face my death, My life is now complete. Circled through the spiral cliff, To where our souls may meet. Bring me forth to fac...
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