Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

amphetamine's picture
amphetamine posted a new Poem titled The Bleakest December 20 years ago
The sky is blue, the air is cold on this December day. Here I am in the snow, tears frozen on my face. The wind blows, echoing the ghosts of...
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amphetamine's picture
amphetamine posted a new Poem titled Blackest Rose 20 years ago
I'm alone, so alone in this all. The ashes are all around, This beautiful garden has burnt down. The sun doesn't shine and the cuts hurt all...
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iceblocker2003's picture
iceblocker2003 posted a new Poem titled Alone In The Darkness. 20 years ago
Alone In The Darkness, There is a man. Alone In The Darkness, Sad, Depressed among the dirt and sand. Alone In The Darkness, No one talks t...
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amphetamine's picture
amphetamine posted a new Poem titled Didn't Quite Fall Apart 20 years ago
Take a journey into these green pools, Look real hard, now, what do you see? The pain, the fear, the lies, the hate... it's all there. The b...
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dhoomedprincess's picture
dhoomedprincess posted a new Poem titled I love you, Mario 20 years ago
Mario, I love you so damn much I'm spending my life awaiting your touch Waiting until our tongues intertwine Waiting until you'll finally be...
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dhoomedprincess's picture
dhoomedprincess posted a new Poem titled Break Up With A Man Hoe 20 years ago
I've been so naive, I've played the fool Turning my back, playing it cool Trying not to notice his little lost whores Who beg, cry, and scre...
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dhoomedprincess's picture
dhoomedprincess posted a new Poem titled I'll Always Love You 20 years ago
No matter where you are No matter what you do You'll always be here in my heart And I'll forever love you I was once so alone Til' we first...
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Fraggelrocker's picture
Fraggelrocker posted a new Poem titled What if 20 years ago
My heart stays the same Even though my eyes go astray I know and feel my love still But why  do my eyes look for someone new? Is i...
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missmichelle's picture
missmichelle posted a new Poem titled Buried 20 years ago
Is this how you pictured an end Glass empty Made ready for egyptian style burial minus the embalming It's you who defied fate For the face o...
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davidwalters's picture
davidwalters posted a new Poem titled The Gray Area - Where Zarathustra's Twins Merge 20 years ago
Excerpt from The Doctrines of Hypocrisy work in progress by David Arthur Walters We were glad for our freedom when we first heard the tidi...
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merkaba11's picture
merkaba11 posted a new Poem titled Spades 20 years ago
    I went to sleep with the sickening taste of cheese, preserved like canned meat in my mouth. Darkness crept, spread a...
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merkaba11's picture
merkaba11 posted a new Poem titled Winter 20 years ago
...And I sit here dark and black Within infinite winter Smooth breeze spreading shivers Like snowflakes cast upon a city Parachutting Eyes c...
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merkaba11's picture
merkaba11 posted a new Poem titled Phantom Baphomet 20 years ago
Wolf of the furthest winter Swept up every crumb I've dropped To someday find my way out Eons of an ever melancholy Slowly leaking out the m...
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ese2002's picture
ese2002 posted a new Poem titled Untitled -- 9.20.2003 20 years ago
Yall cat's is weaker Then watered down drinks Don't give a fuck how you feel Even less what you think So get ya mind right You really do...
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ese2002's picture
ese2002 posted a new Poem titled Untitled -- 9.20.2003 20 years ago
Tryin to keep my head up And play the cards thst life deals me Not to many been where I've been So I doubt you bitches feel me Every sin...
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