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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Illusionary Reflection 20 years ago
Cold, silver sheet,    hangs upon wall- vague reflections,    bounce back, in retaliation, off smoothed surface. Mirro...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Moved To Unmoving 20 years ago
They shall see in me, a defiance. Defiance of all I find unholy, and all that tries to rape me of morality, strip me of humanity and purge...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled To Be Heard 20 years ago
I speak in volumes, decibles above, what close-minded ears can hear. Those who only listen to politically correct dialogue, spewn forth fro...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Follow The Leaders 20 years ago
Screw that! Follow this... I'm intent on being a leader, not some cow-towing adherent, that gets lost in the crowd of ass-kissers! I set...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled I Thought... 20 years ago
I thought, I thought a thought, but I think, my thinking was wrong. For it was not, a thought, I thought, but an idea I thought all along!...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled On A Day, Such As This 20 years ago
In that awakening moment, experience, has taught me well, how to gauge in degrees, what the day has in store, by the amount of pain, present...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Fixture 20 years ago
  In the mass confusion of daily life- those ways that make it seem like every wall is closing in and around you, and you have no footh...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Popcorn Anger 20 years ago
It starts out, like tiny kernels, harmless, until someone, knowingly sets a fire below them, and heat increases with pulsing pressure. ......
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Where Do I Go From Here? 20 years ago
Okay........ so this is my life, with all its pains and sorrows- right here, smack dab, in my face. Can't hide from it, or pretend its al...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Moon-shine 20 years ago
He gets me... gets me cornered by his alluring glow- that come hither grin, that works every time. He moves me... moves me with his passi...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Basic Needs 20 years ago
I have but, basic needs, same as any human desires. There's a difference between 'necessities' and needs. The former, are not what comes...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled These Things That Mock 20 years ago
I walk----wandering, upon rocky shoreline~~~^^^~~~ "caw, caw, caw" of mocking birds, (where seagulls should be) swirling over my head. Drop...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Me, The Moon And A Secret 20 years ago
Sitting outside, in darkness, barefoot, knees tucked up to my chin, I felt a whisper across the back of my neck. 'Lean in closer, Bella. I...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled He Is... 20 years ago
He is... my son. My second born baby, now, a strapping young man, almost eighteen. Can this six foot, three, two hundred and fifty pound t...
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cathycavalcante's picture
cathycavalcante posted a new Poem titled Flatlined 20 years ago
Entrapped, circulation-cut off, blood flow-diminished, pulse-thready and weak, respirations-shallow. The chance of survival-slim. For soci...
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