Matt Gallant

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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

art, graphics, photography, yoga, writing, painting, etcetera

my writings, here, have been collected over the past 6 or 7 years or so, and are primative starting points for more evolved, lucid and extensive efforts in my art. This is one level of which the unversal truths which I accumulate in my calling as an artist, continuously following that perpetual North Star, which is the creative Genius of all that is. Such is life, itself. A persistent urgency of the moment, brushing off the existence of boundaries between one moment to the next. Ignoring distinctions between one idea and the next, one word and the next, involves a conscious involvement with what is being created, a consistent reappraisal of one's own center of gravity, and the momentum of one's gravitational pull. It requires a daily devotion of making myself available to finding that Truth, that Genius, in all the ways that it reveals itself, and to keep myself teachable and open-minded, a state of surrendering vulnerability to all that that Infinity has to offer at any moment. Concerned not with the momentum of one's work, but with the single moments which build up momentum itself. Understanding that never has an eye been more graceful, more free, more open and unfettered, more vulnerable and receptive to all that is possible, more potent and reaffirming of its bearings in that potency, than in its most pale of nakedness. In its total surrendering of all it feels attached to, all that one is addicted to, clinging to, refusing to let go of and give up.

About My Navel

It stretches.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

When one realizes that one is a dream figure in another person's dream, that is self-awareness


Member for
21 years 32 weeks