Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

kat's picture
kat posted a new Poem titled -You Don't Know Me 22 years ago
You know me, but you don't You are  my family, my friend, but you don't know me. A stranger here knows much more of my heart. I f...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] ليتني ابن لام 22 years ago
ليتني ابن لام ودعته أمه ألبسته لامتا مستبشرة إن أمي ألبستنيها في زماني كنت اعشق سنين البذل العاطرة و تدوي ليتنا كنا معك قد بدت أنشودتا مكرره...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] ذكــــــريــــــنــــــي 22 years ago
ذكــــــريــــــنــــــي صرخة أعــمــاق الـحـنـايـا تنتابني أنـت.. لـــم  يــبـرح الـسـمـع لـيـومي مبتداها حين دوى صوتها في ق...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] أميطي 22 years ago
ولست أنا الذي يرتمي من هواه ولا لي ضير فاهوى ا لزام أميطي عن مقلتي الحجاب بعود الاخوة أو بالوئام أميطي فما مقصدي بيض الجلود وسم...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled []عشقي 22 years ago
نبتدأ بالفاتحة في كل صلاه ونختم بتكبير في عز الظهر لو تغرب قلب في حره غلاه أو تجمد في ثلوج من صبر وان سحرنا عشقها عمق الفلاة غير روح الور...
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twilight_stranger's picture
twilight_stranger posted a new Poem titled Burning Abyss 22 years ago
~Don't let these gentle waves slip from your fingers~ This abyss...this black hole Consuming everything I ever knew A universal epidemic s...
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aspiringangel's picture
aspiringangel posted a new Poem titled Family Tree 22 years ago
You are to be a challenge This title "Family Tree" As I set to bring you to life I will start with what I see. Your branches spread in dign...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled A Confession of Sorts 22 years ago
A Confession of Sorts It was just a conversation. Nothing special had been said. She painted at her easel, Talking soft...
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vilbe's picture
vilbe posted a new Poem titled Alive 22 years ago
the air is speaking for me its what you cant see thus you fear all you hear, the unknown so i go out into the world and see what i miss i mi...
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vilbe's picture
vilbe posted a new Poem titled Untitled 22 years ago
life is so blurry always in a hurry no time for worries life is confusing, amuseing has to be a reason why its such a bad season cause ther...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Bridge and Sea 22 years ago
As bridges are squared to the river and sea so Capricorn-Cancer are squared to Aries but since the water holds on not to the land the squar...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Metamorphosis Poems 2 22 years ago
  METAMORPHOSIS -------------------------------------------------------------------- BILLOW PILLOW How the lapping wave billow becom...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Shamrock Rain 22 years ago
It's no longer raining red blood.. It's raining green shamrocks
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Red Because No Bronze 22 years ago
Those states mapped in Bushred instead of Goreblue were often so because they excluded the bronze.
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Felix Helix 22 years ago
Eureka! Felix! It's a helix! Rosalind Franklin, whose work was indispensable in the earlier discovery of DNA gifted with 5 jewels from th...
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