
Lesa Gay

My Portfolio
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Reno, Nevada

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

writting-singing-needle work

I wanted to update my biography as I have now been a member of PostPoems for a little over four months now.

I cannot tell all of you that have become my friends, and all of you that will become my friends, what a pleasure it has been for me to belong to this poetic comunity!

I have been received here with open arms. The friendships I enjoy are as real to me as if we were sitting in my living room enjoying the company of friends I have known for years.

I live in Las Vegas Nevada. I am the mother of two children that I adore, and the grandmother of one. I have no idea how I could have lived without him all these years. I have been married for thirty-two years this past May 1st. My husband is my biggest fan of my writing. He enjoys hearing what all of you have to say to me when I have posted something new. He sometimes even takes a sneak peak under my name when curiosity gets the best of him when I have written something that he especially likes. He has faced many challenges in his lifetime and I think that if he would only try he would be a great addition to PostPoems.

I guess you can say that I have a little trouble growing old gracefully. I am still a Toy's Or Us Kid! Smiles.

I know that I am far from an accomplished writer! I can't spell, can never find a spell check when I need one, and usually write in the early morning hours which makes things all the worse.

For those of you that know know me well, I thank you for the many kind comments and words of encouragement. For those that will visit me in the future, I sincerely hope you enjoy your visits to my site. I think that you will find me to write very simply but always from the heart.

To any of my young friends that are just exploring their talents ~ you will find that writing will become a friend that will stay with you for a lifetime. It will become you comfort when you are upset, your friend when life is lonely, and a joy at the end of a work you especially feel is the best of the person that is you. I started writing when I was in high-school (Oh, so many years ago now, smiles)

Well guys, guess that is about all. Anyone that would like please feel free to E-mail me. I hope that after a visit with me you will leave feeling that it has been worth your time and that you have spent a few minutes with a friend.

Till we meet in the halls of PostPoems


About My Navel

Not an outie. Just a small, inward circle, where my soul was first fed.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

''The heart of a Poet lives regardless of bad spelling, too many cliches, or bad form. To be afraid to express what is on your heart because of fear is a great sadness.'' Where the heck is a spell check when you need one! lol Lesa Gay


Member for
23 years 4 weeks