A Confession of Sorts

Love Or Lack Of It

A Confession of Sorts

It was just a conversation.

Nothing special had been said.

She painted at her easel,

Talking softly on it lead.

He mentioned how the music

Playing low had made him sad.

He said if he were stronger,

He'd re-live the fun he'd had.

She asked, "You'd really leave here?"

His answered, "Yeah!" came fast.

He never knew he'd hurt her,

Her face a stoic mask.

"So the only thing that keeps you

Is the fact that you're not well?"

Her heart began to question,

As her mind began to tell,

"I'm just a sad replacement

For the fun you really crave.

And I thought I had found a love

That would see me to my grave."

The joy that had been glowing

Departed on the spot.

She felt misused, deflated.

And loved?  Well, maybe not.

I've tried to tell her since then

That she mistook his jest,

But she has zero self-esteem,

And fear gives her no rest.

So she'll let past hurt dog her

Until she is convinced,

That she will never find real love.

All life is now past tense.

He stumbles now as watching

He sees the grief she hides,

And wonders what has happened

To his lovely smiling bride.

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Natalie Gnall's picture

beautiful poem..really shows how fragile we all can be

Lesa Gay's picture

Dear Jessica,

It has been a little while since I visited your Hall. I am so glad that I picked today to visit. Each title I have chosen has seemed to speak directly to me. Your words are so lovingly put to the page and your subjects reach to every heart. A very talented lady you are! ~Lesa~

Melissa Rives's picture

Wow, powerful writing...hope it helps your friend. :)Hugs, Melissa